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USDCAD مارڪيٽ جي هدايت تيز ٿي وئي

USDCAD مارڪيٽ جي هدايت تيز ٿي وئي

USDCAD وڏن علائقن جي وچ ۾ ريننگ رکي ٿو

USDCAD تجزيا - جون 30 USDCAD ان جي ڇهن مهينن جي اعليٰ (1.3000) ۽ ڇهن مهينن جي گھٽ (1.2500) جي وچ ۾ رهي ٿو. 31 مئي 2021 تائين، يو ايس ڊي سي اي ڊي مارڪيٽ بيئرش حرڪت ۾ هئي، هيٺيون اونچيون ۽ هيٺيون گهٽيون ٺاهيندي. مئي 2021 ۽ ڊسمبر 2021 جي وچ ۾، يو ايس ڊي سي اي ڊي ٺاهيندي هئي اعلي اونچائي ۽ اعلي گهٽتائي، اشارو ڪري ٿو ته [...]

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USDCAD هڪ مٿانهون هدايت ۾ اڻڄاتل آهي

USDCAD Analysis – June 15 USDCAD is undulating in an upward direction. The market’s latest move sees it bounce back off the conduit channel’s lower border to reach the channel’s upper border. The bullish strength in the market is currently very strong. However, there are hesitations as the price climbs towards the 1.28980 significant level. […]

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USDCAD بيئرز مارڪيٽ کي پنهنجي حق ۾ تبديل ڪري ڇڏيو

USDCAD Analysis – June 8 USDCAD bears overturn the market in their favour as the price breaks out from the lower border of its triangle design. The market was initially riding a bullish wave as it undulates through an ascending channel to violate the upper frame of the triangle. However, on reaching the 1.30330 critical […]

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USDCAD بيئرز مارڪيٽ جي رفتار کي انهن جي حق ۾ ريڊريٽ ڪيو

USDCAD Analysis – June 1 USDCAD bears have reconstructed the market to push momentum in their favour. Buyers were assumed to have full control over the market. They had interrupted the bearish flow below the triangle pattern and redirected the market upward. After that, the market enjoyed a period of an unabated uptrend that breaks […]

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يو ايس ڊي سي اي ڊي قائم ڪئي وئي آهي مضبوط مٿي طرف ڌڪڻ لاءِ

USDCAD Analysis – May 4 USDCAD is set to make a strong push to break out of its triangular confinement. The price is now getting to the tip of the triangle formation and the market is due to decide on its direction of movement. The bears had hijacked the market by breaking downward, but buyers […]

وڌيڪ پڙهڻ

USD/CAD 1.2760 جي روزاني گھٽتائي کي تازو ڪري ٿو جيئن ڊالر انڊيڪس (DXY) طاقت وڃائي ٿو، ۽ تيل جي قيمتن ۾ اضافو ٿيو

آمريڪي ڊالر / سي ڊي ٽوڪيو سيشن دوران تيزيء سان ٻڏي وئي، جڏهن ته ڊالر انڊيڪس ان جي مٿي واري رفتار ۾ گھٽائي ٿي ۽ نئين سپلائي خدشات جي ڪري تيل جي قيمتن ۾ اضافو ٿيو. USD/CAD اڄ (جمعو) ھيٺئين قوتن جي عمل جو تجربو ڪيو. ان جي هدايت ۾ ٿورڙي تبديلي جي پٺيان، مارڪيٽ 1.2318 قيمت جي سطح تي خريد ڪندڙن جو ڌيان ڇڪايو، پوء ان کان پوء ڊپ ڪيو ويو [...]

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USDCAD رد ڪري ٿو هڪ هيٺئين پاسي واري تحريڪ؛ ان جي مثلث نموني ۾ بحال ٿيو

USDCAD Analysis – April 27 USDCAD rejects a slump below the 1.24700 key level and has surged back into its triangle pattern. The bears were assumed to have seized power when the market broke beyond the lower border of the triangle pattern. The price then bounced off 1.24700 for a retest at the upper border […]

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USDCAD بيلز اڳوڻي هاء کي ٽوڙڻ ۾ ناڪام ٿي ويا آهن

USDCAD Market Analysis – March 16 USDCAD bulls have failed to break the previous high on the daily timeframe. The market has been bullish since a reversal occurred in the market. A break in market structure was prominent in January. This caused a change in the market’s direction. The bulls utilized the demand zone at […]

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USDCAD هڪ اڀرندڙ چينل ۾ وڌي ٿو

USDCAD Market Analysis – March 9 USDCAD rises in an ascending channel, as seen on the daily timeframe. The market dived after striking the upper band of the Bollinger Band on April 21, 2021. The daily candles plunged under the shadow of the Moving Average within the Bollinger. The change in direction was seen with […]

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