لاگ ان

NZDUSD تجربو ڪيو ڪامياب بريڪ آئوٽ ان جي چڙهڻ واري چينل جي

NZDUSD Analysis – April 18 NZDUSD experiences a successful breakout of the ascending channel on the 8th of April. The market was in a phase of consolidation from December to January. The Moving Averages crossed sideways until the 14th of January. A major displacement caused the market to dip to 0.6540. The sellers purged the […]

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NZDUSD هڪ نازڪ سطح تي ان جي رجحان لائن تي ٽيون ٽچ جو احترام ڪري ٿو

NZDUSD Market Analysis – April 11 NZDUSD respects the third touch on the trend line to continue its bearish momentum. A significant market shift was experienced on February 25th, 2021. The market peaked in the 0.7450 supply zone. There was a drop-base-drop pattern that led the market to 0.6950. The market retraced back to the […]

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NZD/USD مٿي جو رجحان شروع ٿئي ٿو جيئن ھيٺئين رجحان ختم ٿئي ٿو

جوڙي جي قيمت هڪ تسليم ٿيل سپورٽ جي سطح تي آهي جيئن واپارين کي نئين پروموٽر جي توقع آهي. نيوزي لينڊ ڊالر بمقابله آمريڪي ڊالر هڪ پرسڪون ايشيائي سيشن دوران هڪ فليٽ جڳهه ۾ آهي، جيئن اهو وڪرو ڪيو پيو وڃي ۽ خريد ڪيو وڃي 0.6945 تي 0.6945 کان 0.6937 تائين ۽ پوءِ واپس 0.6945 تائين. ڪابه قيمت ناهي [...]

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NZDUSD ترقي ڪري ٿو ان جي بيئرش متوازي چينل اندر

NZDUSD Market Analysis – March 4 NZDUSD progresses within a bearish parallel channel after the previous year’s high was reached on February 25, 2021. The previous year was bearish for the NZDUSD. The market reached its peak last year at 0.7450 at the beginning of the year. The bears gained control and sank the price […]

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NZDUSD 0.7200 تي اڳئين هاءِ ڏانهن وڌڻ لاءِ تيار آهي

NZDUSD Market Analysis – March 21 NZDUSD is ready to soar to the previous high at 0.7200. The resistance level at 0.7200 ended the bullish rally initiated on October 13th, 2021. There was consolidation at the resistance zone, followed by a market direction change. On the 11th of November, a breakout caused the bears to […]

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NZDUSD ھڪڙي وڏي علائقي ڏانھن واپس ورتو آھي

NZDUSD Market Analysis – March 14 NZDUSD has retraced to the major zone at 0.6880. The bulls ascended to 0.7300 just before the opening of the previous year. The market started consolidating after the major zone at 0.7300 was reached. A false breakout above the zone was prominent during late February of 2021. The price […]

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NZDUSD مڪمل ڪيو آھي ان جي بحالي واري عمل کي واپس سپلائي زون ڏانھن

NZDUSD Price Analysis – March 7 NZDUSD has completed its retracement back to the supply zone at 0.68610. The New Zealand dollar has shown overall weakness in the higher time frames. The failed chart reveals the general bearishness of the trend. The market reached its peak the previous year on February 24th. The market soared […]

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NZDUSD بيلز مارڪيٽ کي ڦيرائڻ جي ڪوشش ڪئي جيتوڻيڪ وڪرو ڪندڙ جي اثر هيٺ

NZDUSD قيمت جو تجزيو - فيبروري 28 NZDUSD بيلز مارڪيٽ ۾ وڪڻندڙن جي وڌندڙ حرڪت جي باوجود قيمت جي رجحان کي ريورس ڪرڻ جي ڪوشش ڪندا آھن. بيلز اڳ ۾ ئي 0.68170 جي مارڪيٽ زون کان ٻاهر قيمت جي هدايت کي متحرڪ ڪرڻ جي ڪوشش ڪري رهيا آهن. جڏهن ته، وڪرو ڪندڙن جي دلچسپي جي ڪري قيمت جي سطح تي وڃڻ جي قيمت جي رجحان ۾ واپسي هئي [...]

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Kiwi جي توقع ڪئي وئي آھي جاري رھڻ لاءِ ھڪڙي تيز پوزيشن ۾ ھڪڙي ٽيسٽ پٺيان

NZDUSD Price Analysis – February 21 Kiwi is expected to maintain its bullish stance following a retest of the 0.65930 significant zone. The bullish momentum is expected to last for a while, as long as buyers continue to take more positions in the market. This will, however, cause the price to be distributed in the […]

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