لاگ ان

GBPJPY منڊي جي رجحان کي مٿي واري هدايت ۾ ٻيهر شروع ڪري ٿو

GBPJPY Analysis- July 8 GBPJPY resumes the market trend in an upward direction from the 157.800 demand zone. GBPJPY market had been trending in an upward direction until February 24, 2021, when the bulls drove the price beyond the previous resistance level. After this breakout, prices began to struggle between two major levels in the […]

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GBPJPY وڪرو ڪندڙ تي مشتمل آهي جيئن قيمت وڌندي آهي

GBPJPY Analysis – June 17 GBPJPY contains sellers as the bullish price bumps upward in the market. The selling atmosphere has been contained lately because buyers have picked up momentum as the value is set to hit the 168.810 key zone in a few days. The sellers had previously declined the value of the GBPJPY […]

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GBPJPY اشارو ڪري ٿو هڪ امڪاني قيمت ريورسل

GBPJPY تجزيو - جون 10 GBPJPY اشارو ڪري ٿو قيمت جي ڦيرڦار کي 168.710 مزاحمت جي سطح جي ويجهو. مارڪيٽ اشارا ڏيکاريا ويا آهن مسلسل خريداري جا موقعا GBPJPY قيمت لاءِ تازن وقتن ۾. خريداري واپارين 168.710 کان وڌيڪ قيمت جي رجحان جي توقع ڪئي هئي. بهرحال، وڪرو ڪندڙ هن وقت تيز رجحان کي تبديل ڪري رهيا آهن. هن وقت موجود آهن […]

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GBPJPY قيمت 161.880 مزاحمت جي سطح کان پري ٿي وئي جيئن بيل ٻيهر طاقت حاصل ڪن ٿا

GBPJPY Analysis – June 3 GBPJPY price breaks away from the 161.880 resistance level as bulls regain strength. Buyers have stepped up their activity to boost price momentum and push the level higher above the level of significant resistance. Therefore, as long as more positions are placed for a bullish breakout, the bulls will continue […]

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GBPJPY جاري رکڻ جو ارادو رکي ٿو مارڪيٽن جي تڪڙي جھول سان

GBPJPY تجزيي - اپريل 29 GBPJPY جو ارادو رکي ٿو جاري رکڻ لاءِ مارڪيٽ جي زبردست جھول سان. GBPJPY قيمت جي ڍانچي تي وڪڻندڙن جي ڪري قيمتي ڌماڪي جي پٺيان، هي قيمت جي گهٽتائي جو نتيجو آيو، بيلز اڳتي وڌڻ لاء جاري آهن. جيئن تيز رفتاري جو رجحان وڌيو، قيمت سڌو سنئون هيٺ ٿي ويو [...]

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GBPJPY خريد ڪندڙن جو تسلط جلد ئي ختم ٿي سگھي ٿو

GBPJPY Analysis – April 15 GBPJPY buyers’ tension is likely to sink in the market. In the price structure, the buy dealers are widely dispersed. As the price continues to rise in the market, the bulls have successfully driven the price trend forward. However, because sellers attempt to integrate the sell trend into the market, […]

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GPBJPY قيمت هڪ ريبائونڊ جي پٺيان سلائڊ جاري رکي ٿي

GBPJPY Price Analysis – February 11 GBPJPY price continues to slide following a rebound at the 153.030 support level. The market attained its bearish strength following a change in price trend following a reversal at the 158.240 price level, where pending orders were strong enough to cause a shift in price tendency. Having broken down […]

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GBPJPY هڪ سميٽري ٽڪنڊي جي ڪامياب بريڪ آئوٽ جو تجربو ڪيو

GBPJPY قيمت جو تجزيو - فيبروري 25 GBPJPY واپار جي هن هفتي دوران هڪ سميٽري ٽڪنڊي جي ڪامياب بريڪ آئوٽ جو تجربو ڪري ٿو. گذريل سال آڪٽوبر جي 4th تي هڪ نازل ٿيندڙ ٽڪنڊي جو ڪامياب وقفو هو. GBPJPY گذريل سال مئي ۽ آڪٽوبر جي وچ ۾ هيٺيون ٽڪنڊو ٺاهيو. 149.140 تي طلب زون منعقد ڪيو [...]

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GBPJPY بلش سواري اڃا تائين مضبوط ٿي رهي آهي

Price Analysis – GBPJPY Bullish Ride Continues to Surge Upward to the 158.200 Critical Level GBPJPY bullish side continues to surge upward to the 158.200 level of significance as buyers give more velocity to the influence of price. The buyers are currently holding more positions in the market, and they are activating price order flow. […]

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