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Bitcoin (BTCUSD) فارم بلش ريورسل پرچم

Bitcoin (BTCUSD) فارم بلش ريورسل پرچم

Bitcoin اسٽاڪ مارڪيٽ سان لاڳاپا مضبوط ڪري ٿو

Over recent days, Bitcoin (BTC) has been forging a strong correlation to the equities market once again and it has been observed that this occurs usually when global uncertainty is rife. Currently, investors are wracked with fears over the dwindling prospects of second domestic stimulus measures in the US, coupled with the weaning possibility of […]

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Bitcoin جي بي ھدايت واري مقابلي جي باوجود وهيل مضبوط طور تي تيز رھندا آھن

Bitcoin (BTC) has been plagued with mixed signals for a good deal of time now. Although it has been slowly climbing higher, the lower-$11,000 area appears to be a very aggressive resistance zone. The intensity of selling pressure it garners in this area indicates that bulls may not be dominating as once believed. This could […]

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نئين رپورٽ ڏيکاري ٿي ته Bitcoin جلدي هيٺ ٿي سگهي ٿو

The open interest of Bitcoin (BTC) has been observed to be growing once again, indicating that a possible large price movement is brewing. Over the last 24 hours, the cryptocurrency fell by more than 2%from $11,100 to $10,900, where it is currently lingering around. The $11,100 was a much-talked-about level by analysts and it is […]

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Bitcoin SV جي قيمت 171 ڊالر يا 153 ڊالر جي سطح تي وقفي واري وقت جي لاءِ گرم آهي

Bitcoin SV قيمت جو تجزيو - سيپٽمبر 17 خريد ڪندڙن جي رفتار ۾ اضافو مزاحمت جي سطح کي ٽوڙي ڇڏيندو $171 تي، جيڪا ٿي سگهي ٿي $185 ۽ $198 مزاحمتي سطح تائين. ان صورت ۾ جڏهن خريد ڪندڙ $171 جي مزاحمتي سطح کي ٽوڙڻ ۾ ناڪام ٿين ٿا، وڪرو ڪندڙ قيمت کي زور ڏئي سگهن ٿا ته جيئن سپورٽ جي سطح کي ٽوڙڻ لاءِ […]

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تجزيه نگارن جو خيال آهي ته هڪ زوال Bitcoin ۾ اچي رهيو آهي

Bitcoin (BTC) has broken a key resistance despite weakness across other altcoins. After bottoming out at $9,800 last week, the cryptocurrency has grown by more than $1,000 as it now trades at $11,027 at press time. This surge was likely a ripple-effect from MicroStrategy’s 10,000 BTC purchase. However, many traders fear that this goodish bounce […]

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Bitcoin Picks-up Bullish Momentum، اڳڪٿي ڪري ٿو سيڪنڊ پير اپ

Luck has found Bitcoin (BTC) as it finally breaks above the $10,580 range top and is now marching towards the $11,000 psychological line. According to bitcoinup.io, the surge was likely sponsored by an influx of about $12 billion into the cryptocurrency market during the earlier hours of today. This investment influx has lifted the entire […]

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بي ٽي سي / يو ايس جي قيمت جو تجزيو: اڳتي وڌڻ جي ويجھو ٿي سگھي ٿي

Bitcoin (BTC) remained in a directionless fit today, although appeared to be inching ever so closely to the upside. Records show that about $11 billion has flooded back into the global crypto market over the past 48 hours. A large percentage of this influx of investment comes from the recent pickup in Ethereum (ETH), which […]

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