لاگ ان

جي ايم ايمگنگن اسٽريٽيجسٽس خبردار ڪيو ته Bitcoin جلد ٻاam وڃائي سگهندو آهي جيڪڏهن 40 ڪلو ڊالر جلد ئي بحال نه ٿيو آهي

According to a recent report by Bloomberg, JPMorgan Chase & Co strategists, led by Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, have cited that Bitcoin (BTC) has to reclaim the $40k level soon or risks losing its bullish momentum and trend-following investors. The team added that the pattern of demand for BTC futures and the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) could […]

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گري 4 اسڪيل رپورٽن برانچ رڪارڊ نمبر Q2020 XNUMX ۾ ، Bitcoin سيڙپڪارن جي مهرباني

Grayscale recorded its best year in 2020 yet with massive allocations, mostly from institutional investors, despite the dramatic events that plagued that year. The cryptocurrency investment fund posted record-breaking numbers in the first three quarters of 2020 and profoundly better reports in Q4. The firm reported that the total investments in the last three months […]

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$ 3k جي طرفان Bitcoin سلائيڊس جئين بلز وڏي پيماني تي ڏسو

The cryptocurrency industry is taking no breaks in its erratic moves. The past few weeks are testimony to this fact. Over the past few hours, Bitcoin (BTC)—and many altcoins—have recorded yet another erratic session, leading to significant liquidation across the board. Reports show that about $400 million worth of both long and short positions have […]

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Bitcoin واپس پرچم جي اندر چاٻي آڻي ٿو

Bitcoin has rallied more than 32% since it bounced from the $32,000 level on Monday all trading inside of a very structured move. We have pulled back to the previous broken level inside of a bullish flag printing massive hidden bullish divergence on the way. Should this flag breakout we could see BTC rally to […]

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بيڪيڪين جي گھٽتائي: اي ٽيورو Cryptocurrency واپاري ۾ رڪاوٽ خلل وارن صارفن کي خبردار ڪري ٿو

eToro, on the largest trading platform, recently notified its users that there could be disruptions in their cryptocurrency trading services due to extreme demand. The exchange went on to explain that it was experiencing “unprecedented conditions on crypto markets,” as Bitcoin (BTC) prices and the cryptocurrency market cap are close to their highest levels in […]

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Bitcoin کي وڌيڪ ادارتي سيڙپڪاري جي ضرورت آهي: گولڊمن ساچس ايگزيڪي

ادارتي سيڙپڪاري جي بنياد کي وڌائڻ جي باوجود Bitcoin (BTC) گڏ ڪيو ويو آهي، وال اسٽريٽ ماهر، جيف ڪيوري، نوٽ ڪيو ته مارڪيٽ اڃا تائين ان جي استحڪام کي وڌائڻ لاء ادارتي سيڙپڪاري جي موجودگي جي اهم ضرورت آهي. Goldman Sachs ۾ ڪموڊٽيز ريسرچ جي سربراه سي اين بي سي سان هڪ تازي انٽرويو ۾ پنهنجي راء کي ڄاڻايو. ان کان اڳ، ڪيتريون ئي ڪمپنيون [...]

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جي ايم ايمگنگن خبردار ڪري ٿو ته بي ٽي سي اي ٽي ايف جي منظوري منفي طور تي Bitcoin جي قيمت تي اثر انداز ٿي سگهي ٿي

Strategists at JPMorgan Chase & Co have alerted that the approval of a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) in the US could have dire consequences on Bitcoin’s (BTC) short-term price action. The proposed reason for the price drop is that an approved ETF could become a major competition for institutional investment for the world’s largest traded […]

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