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FTSE 100 (UKX) سطح 7332 کان مٿي رکي ٿو جيئن اهو هڪ اوورسلڊ علائقي تائين پهچي ٿو

Resistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BearishThe FTSE 100 (UKX) is falling as it holds above level 7332. The index has dropped below the moving average lines as a result of the most recent downturn. If the 50-day line SMA support holds, UKX will be forced into […]

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Hong Kong Stock Exchange sets to list CSOP Asset Management’s Ethereum ETF Following the Hong Kong Security and Futures Commission (SFC) establishing an application opportunity for willing Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) providers, CSOP expressed its keen interest in providing Ethereum ETFs for traders. The SFC recently granted the CSOP’s application final approval. On December 16, […]

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UKX هڪ Uptrend ۾ آهي جيئن ته اهو حدف ڪري ٿو سطح 7578 هاءِ

Resistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BullishThe FTSE 100 (UKX) price is rising as it targets level 7578 high. The overbought region has been reached by the current rise. Although the index is climbing, bullish exhaustion may occur at level 7578. A retraced candle body tested the […]

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UKX هڪ مٿي واري اصلاح ۾ آهي جيئن اهو 7100 جي سطح هيٺان جدوجهد ڪري ٿو

مزاحمت جي سطح: 7500، 7600، 7700 سپورٽ جي سطح: 7300، 7200، 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) ڊگھي مدت جو رجحان: RangingFTSE 100 (UKX) قيمت مٿي واري سڌاري ۾ آھي جيئن اھو ھيٺ لھي رھيو آھي آڪٽوبر 7100 UKX. هلندڙ اوسط لائينن جي وچ ۾ واپار. پلس پاسي، جيڪڏهن خريد ڪندڙ قيمت 21 ڏينهن جي لائين SMA کان مٿي رکي، [...]

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FTSE 100 هڪ پاسي واري حرڪت کي ٻيهر شروع ڪري ٿو پر 7000 سطح تي رد ٿيڻ کي منهن ڏئي ٿو

Technical IndicatorResistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BearishFTSE 100 is in an upward correction but faces rejection at level 7000. The upward move is facing rejection at the 21-day line SMA or the resistance at level 7000.UKX could have resumed an uptrend if buyers have broken the […]

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FTSE 100 Bounces مٿي سطح 6800 جيئن وڪرو ڪندڙ مختصر ڪرڻ جي ڪوشش ڪن ٿا

Technical IndicatorResistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BearishFTSE 100 has resumed selling pressure as sellers attempt to short. The index has reached the current support above level 6800. The downtrend will resume if price breaks below the current support. On September 28 price slump, UKX made an […]

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ليول 100 تي پوئين سپورٽ کان مٿي FTSE 6800 Hovers

Technical IndicatorResistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BearishFTSE 100 is in a downtrend as it hovers above the previous support at level 6800 . The downtrend has been accelerated after the rejection at level 7500. The index price breaks below the moving average and resumes selling pressure. […]

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FTSE 100 موجوده سپورٽ کان مٿي رکي ٿو پر خطرن کي 6893.88 تائين گھٽائي ٿو

ResistanceLevel: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BearishFTSE 100 is in a sideways trend but risks decline to 6893.88.Presently, the index has declined to the previous low at level 7007.09. Sellers are attempting to break the previous low at level 7007.09. UKX will further decline to level 6787.98 if […]

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