لاگ ان

ايٿريم (ETH) قيمت جو تجزيو: ايٿر گھرايا پر $ 2.360 مزاحمت کان هيٺ ٿڪجي ويا

Key HighlightsEthereum is stuck below $2,360 resistanceThe biggest altcoin fluctuates between $2,275 and $2,350 Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $2,327.71Market Capitalization: $269,505,078,336Trading Volume: $38,035,086,526Major supply zones: $2,000, $2,200, $2,400Major demand zones: $1,800, $51,600, $1,400 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis April 21, 2021 Ethereum is in a downward correction as buyers push Ether on the upside. […]

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ايٿريم (ETH) قيمت جو تجزيو: ايٿر گھٽجڻ $ 2,200،XNUMX جي سپورٽ ، اڳتي وڌڻ وارو

Key HighlightsEthereum rallies to a high of $2,544Ethereum retraces but may find support above $2,200 Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $2,309.57Market Capitalization: $267,818,777,415Trading Volume: $33,860,619,735Major supply zones: $2,000, $2,200, $2,400Major demand zones: $1,800, $51,600, $1,400 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis April 18, 2021 Ethereum bulls pushed the biggest altcoin to a high of $2,544 but […]

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ايٿيروم (اي ٽي ايم) قيمت جو تجزيو: ايٿر پنهنجو رلي جاري رکي ٿو جئين اهو $ 2,150،2,200 ۽ XNUMX،XNUMX ڊالر تي مزاحمت کي ٽوڙي ڇڏي ٿو

Key HighlightsEthereum bulls break resistances at $2,150 and $2,200The biggest altcoin has broken resistance at level $2,300 Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $2,349.68Market Capitalization: $270,957,376,500Trading Volume: $30,816,542,480Major supply zones: $2,000, $2,200, $2,400Major demand zones: $1,800, $51,600, $1,400 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis April 14, 2021 Buyers have broken the $2,150 and $2,200 resistance as Ether […]

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ايٿيروم (اي ٽي ايڇ) قيمت جو تجزيو: ايٿر 2,150،XNUMX $ مزاحمت جي هيٺان اڀريو

Key HighlightsEthereum bulls struggle to break the resistance at $2,150Ethereum has a target price of $2500 Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $2,142.55Market Capitalization: $248,130,215,232Trading Volume: $23,662,694,684Major supply zones: $2,000, $2,200, $2,400Major demand zones: $1,800, $51,600, $1,400 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis April 11, 2021 Ethereum bulls are still struggling to break above the $2150 resistance. […]

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ايٿيروم (اي ٽي ايڇ) قيمت جو تجزيو: ايٿر هڪ طرفي چڪر ۾ آهي ، جيئن بيل اگلا حرڪت تي غور ڪن ٿا

Key HighlightsEthereum fluctuates between $2,001 and $2,142 price levelsThe biggest altcoin has a target price of $2238.03 Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $2,085.25Market Capitalization: $28,557,558,824Trading Volume: 115,367,292 ETHMajor supply zones: $2,000, $2,200, $2,400Major demand zones: $1,800, $51,600, $1,400 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis April 7, 2021 Following the attainment of its peak price, the biggest […]

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انوسويلين کي نئون ETH منر جاري ڪرڻ لاءِ تيار ڪيو ويو آهي ، جيئن ETH ٽوڙي رڪارڊ اعليٰ

As Ethereum (ETH) records new all-time highs in 2021, miners on the Ethereum network are making more profits than ever. That said, miners are running on limited time, ETH developers are working on switching to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. Despite the limited time, miners are focusing a lot of hashing power on the Ethereum […]

وڌيڪ پڙهڻ

ايٿيروم (اي ٽي ايڇ) قيمت جو تجزيو: ايٿر هڪ نن Retڙو بحالي بحال ڪندو آهي ، اپر موومينٽ کي وري شروع ڪري ٿو

Key HighlightsBuyers break the $2000 overhead resistance to reach a high of $2,142.70The biggest altcoin retraces to $2000 support and resumes upward Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $2,030.20Market Capitalization: $234,540,196,771Trading Volume: $32,064,074,442Major supply zones: $2,000, $2,200, $2,400Major demand zones: $1,800, $51,600, $1,400 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis April 4, 2021 Ether retraces after attaining a […]

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ايٿيروم (اي ٽي ايم) قيمت جو تجزيو: ايٿر پنهنجو رائونڊ-باؤنڊ منتقل جاري رکي ٿو ، رد ڪري ڇڏي ٿو

ڪيچ هاء لائٽ سڀ کان وڏو الٽاڪوس هر هڪ 1,865،1,600 هيرٿيريم ايٿامس تي هر 1,800،1,838.37،211,914,097,732،22,344,437,333،2,000،2,200،2,400،1,800،51,600،1,400،31،2021،XNUMX،XNUMX , $XNUMX, $XNUMX Ethereum (ETH) قيمت جو تجزيو مارچ XNUMX, XNUMX گذريل ٽن ڏينهن کان, Ethereum وڌي رهيو آهي […]

وڌيڪ پڙهڻ

ايٿيروم نيٽورڪ جي وڏي ٽرانزيڪشن قيمتون پي ايڇ ڊي اپگريڊ جي باوجود برقرار رھي سگھيون آھن: CoinMetrics

Ethereum نيٽ ورڪ تي اعلي ٽرانزيڪشن فيس جي موجوده مسئلي تي CoinMetrics پاران تازي رپورٽ موجب، قيمتون هاڻي ٻه ڀيرا قيمتي سطح تي آهن جيئن اهي 2017/2018 بيل مارڪيٽ ۾ هئا. رپورٽ ۾ پڻ خبردار ڪيو ويو آهي ته ايندڙ EIP-1559 اپ گريڊ شايد قيمت جي مسئلي کي حل نه ڪري سگھي. Ethereum blockchain هن وقت آهي [...]

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