
Ripple Records Kukulitsa Kofunika Kwambiri Pazogulitsa Zamalonda mu Meyi

Malinga ndi lipoti laposachedwa la CoinShares, malonda a Ripple (XRP) adalemba kuchuluka kwa ndalama zomwe zimalowa sabata yatha. CoinShares adawonetsanso kutchuka kwa Cardano ndi Polkadot. Mu lipoti lake digito chuma umayenda lipoti, ndi woyang'anira katundu ananena kuti lonse cryptocurrency ndalama mankhwala anakopeka za $74 miliyoni mu inflows likulu sabata yatha. […]

Werengani zambiri

Ripple vs. SEC: SEC Kufunsira Kutumizidwa kwa Mboni zisanu

Pankhani yomwe ikupitilira SEC vs. Ripple (XRP), Commission tsopano ikupempha kuti Woweruza Sarah Netburn achotse mboni zina zisanu, kuphatikiza wakale Ripple CFO Ron Will ndi wakale wachiwiri kwa wachiwiri kwa Xpring Ethan Beard. Bungwe la Securities and Exchange Commission likunena kuti kuwonjezeka kwake pamafunso akuchokera ku chitukuko chatsopano cha umboni ndi […]

Werengani zambiri

Kufufuza Mtengo Wa Ripple - Meyi 12

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission’s decision to initiate a lawsuit against Ripple (XRP) has taken a toll on the broader cryptocurrency market. Whether Ripple is a security or not has gotten debated extensively and is the primary focus of the suit. That said, the final judgment of this case will test the effectiveness […]

Werengani zambiri

SEC vs. Ripple: SEC Akukana Kukhala ndi Zida za Crypto Zofunsidwa ndi Ripple Labs

Although Ripple Labs recently filed for a dismissal of the ongoing lawsuit with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the cryptocurrency company still faces multiple challenges. Despite the recent ruling by Judge Sarah Netburn, which allowed for the discovery of SEC documents on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple (XRP), the securities agency may have a case […]

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Mtsogoleri wamkulu wa Ripple Akumva Zabwino Pamilandu Yoyeserera Yotsutsana ndi SEC

Pamene nkhondo yalamulo pakati pa US Securities and Exchange Commission ndi Ripple Labs ikulowa mwezi wachisanu, Mtsogoleri wamkulu wa Ripple Brad Garlinghouse, poyankhulana ndi Fox Business, adanena kuti ali ndi malingaliro abwino ponena za kupita patsogolo komwe kampani yake yapanga kukhoti. Wopereka ndalama za crypto wakwanitsa kupeza mfundo zalamulo motsutsana ndi […]

Werengani zambiri

SEC vs. Ripple: SEC ikufuna Kuchepetsa Kufikira kwa Ripple Zolemba Zake Zamkati

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is accusing Ripple (XRP) of “harassment” shortly after its executive won a bargain to gain access to internal documents from the regulatory body. The documents contain details on Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Ripple, where the SEC classifies them as digital currencies. That said, the SEC is striving to […]

Werengani zambiri

Woyimira milandu wa Ripple: Khothi Loletsa SEC Kupeza Zambiri Zokhudzana Ndi Ma Ripple Kudzera pa MOUs

James Filan, the attorney representing Ripple Labs and two of its executives, recently tweeted that a discovery conference has been called between the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Ripple (XRP) and could swing in favor of his clients. The conference will address the SEC’s attempts to obtain information from foreign regulators against Ripple […]

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