
Kuwunika kwa Mtengo wa Ethereum - Epulo 26

Ethereum Classic (ETC) idakwera kwambiri m'maola oyambirira a malonda Lolemba, pamene msika wonse wa cryptocurrency unayambiranso kukhazikika chifukwa cha kugwa kwake kwaposachedwapa. ETC yakwera pafupifupi 10.8% panthawi yosindikizira, pamene mtengo wa msika wa cryptocurrency ukukwera pamwamba pa $ 2 thililiyoni. Kuwonongeka kwa msika sabata yatha kudathandizidwa ndi kugwa kwa Bitcoin pansipa […]

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Ethereum Miners kuti Asamukire ku Ethereum Classic Blockchain Pambuyo pa Kukweza kwa ETH2.0

Kukhazikitsidwa kwa Ethereum 2.0 kukuyembekezeka kuwongolera njira yogwirira ntchito pa intaneti kuposa kale. Izi zati, akatswiri akhala ndi nthawi yovuta kulosera komwe ogwira ntchito m'migodi a ETH adzasamukira ku nthawi yomwe kusinthana kwa mgwirizano kumakhazikitsidwa. Komabe, wokonda blockchain komanso wogulitsa angelo Adam Cochran wapereka lingaliro la njira yabwino kwambiri yopangira […]

Werengani zambiri

Kuwunika kwa Ethereum Classic Market - Epulo 5

Following a very bullish trading session on Monday, the cryptocurrency market has crossed the $2 trillion market valuation. The influx of financial institutions and institutional investors into the cryptocurrency industry has played a leading role in boosting the value of most of the high-market cap cryptos like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, Ripple, Polkadot, and many others. […]

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Kusanthula Mtengo kwa Ethereum Classic (ETC): Etc Imasinthasintha Mumayendedwe Olimba, Imasowa Ogula Pamtengo Wapamwamba

Key HighlightsETC fluctuates in a tight range between $10 and $12.50The altcoin faces resistance at level $14 Ethereum Classic (ETC) Current StatisticsThe current price: $12.43Market Capitalization: $2,618,808,479Trading Volume: $1,304,360,093Major supply zones: $18, $19, $20Major demand zones: $11, $10, $9 Ethereum Classic (ETC) Price Analysis March 15, 2021 Ethereum Classic has been in a range-bound move […]

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Grayscale Ikuwonjezera Kugwira Ntchito ku Ethereum Classic Ngakhale Kuwonongeka Kwa Msika wa Crypto Sabata Yatha

Grayscale, the world’s largest cryptocurrency assets manager by AUM, has announced that it has increased its holdings in Ethereum Classic (ETC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), and Litecoin (LTC). The recent acquisitions have brought the total value of the company’s crypto holdings to $39 billion. According to a report published by Bybt, a cryptocurrency analytics firm, Grayscale […]

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