Prezz USDCHF: Bejjiegħa Jopponi Xerrejja f'Livell ta 'Reżistenza ta' $0.93

Azeez Mustapha


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Bears are dominating USDCHF market

Analiżi tal-Prezz USDCHF - 06 ta 'Jannar

The $0.92 support level may be breached on the downside if the sellers exert more pressure, and the downward trend may continue to the $0.91 and $0.90 levels. USDCHF se jinkiser through the $0.93 level and go up toward the resistance levels of $0.94 and $0.95 if buyers apply additional pressure and defend the $0.92 support level.


Livelli Ewlenin:

Livelli ta 'reżistenza: $ 0.93, $ 0.94, $ 0.95

Livelli ta 'appoġġ: $ 0.92, $ 0.91, $ 0.90

USDCHF Xejra fit-tul: Bearish

Long-term prospects for USDCHF are promising. The bearish swing from the previous week is still evident in the daily time period. Increased seller pressure on December 14 led to a breakdown of the support level of $0.93, which caused the price to drop and test the $0.92 support level. Due to the power of the purchasers, the price increased the next day. Currently, the $0.93 resistance level is being tested. At $0.92, a triple bottom chart pattern is seen, indicating a potential price increase.

The 9-period EMA is below the 21-period EMA, and USDCHF is trading above the 9 periods EMA. A bearish market direction is indicated by the Relative Strength Index period 14 being at 44 levels and leaning downward. The $0.92 support level may be breached on the downside if the sellers exert more pressure, and the downward trend may continue to the $0.91 and $0.90 levels. Price will break through the $0.93 level and go up toward the resistance levels of $0.94 and $0.95 if buyers apply additional pressure and defend the $0.92 support level.

USDCHF Xejra għal żmien medju: Bearish

The USDCHF is bearish in the medium-term outlook. The price was driven by the bears to the $0.92 support level, which has a significant chance of reversal. It appears that the bulls’ push is steadily building while the bears’ impetus is waning. The price attempted to overcome the $0.93 level of resistance but sellers opposed the buyers due to the low strength of U.S Dollars at non-farm payroll fundamental news.

Currently, the 21-period EMA is below the 9-period EMA. The USDCHF is currently trading below the two EMAs, indicating a bearish move. The signal line on the Relative Strength Index period 14 is pointing downward at 44 levels.

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Azeez Mustapha

Azeez Mustapha huwa professjonist tal-kummerċ, analista tal-munita, strateġista tas-sinjali, u maniġer tal-fondi b'aktar minn għaxar snin ta 'esperjenza fil-qasam finanzjarju. Bħala blogger u awtur tal-finanzi, huwa jgħin lill-investituri jifhmu kunċetti finanzjarji kumplessi, itejbu l-ħiliet ta ’investiment tagħhom, u jitgħallmu kif jamministraw flushom.

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