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USOil Jitla' B'Kanal Parallel

USOil Jitla' B'Kanal Parallel

"FOMO Se Jiddaħħal Hekk kif il-Prezz ta 'XRP Ikisser il-Livell ta' $ 2," Jgħid John Deaton

Hekk kif il-verdett finali bejn is-SEC u Ripple joqrob, is-sentiment tas-suq għadu pożittiv. John Deaton, il-konsulent tad-detenturi ta 'XRP, ibassar żieda imminenti fil-prezz ta' Ripple hekk kif jistenna li aktar xerrejja jattakkaw is-suq ladarba l-prezz ta 'XRP jilħaq $2. Deaton kien ottimista ħafna dwar il-prezz ta 'XRP [...]

Aqra iktar

Deheb (XAUUSD) Jagħżel id-Dip

Market Analysis – May 25 The Gold market has experienced a bearish breakout on the 24-hour chart after a long period of upward trend since the inception of March. The support level of 1978.0 has been bridged. Gold price appears ready for a dive. Gold Key Levels Demand Levels: 1890.0, 1804.0, 1693.0Supply Levels: 2042.0, 2068.0, […]

Aqra iktar

GBPUSD jaqbeż 1.2640

Analiżi tas-Suq- 15 ta 'Mejju GBPUSD esperjenzat tbegħid falz 'il fuq mil-livell ta' reżistenza ta '1.2640. Xemgħat ta 'rifjut multipli mdendla fuq il-livell ta' reżistenza qabel l-għaddasa aggressiva fil-prezz biex jindikaw it-tnaqqis tal-balieni. Is-suq sar bearish bil-waqfa tal-linja tat-tendenza bullish. Livelli ta' Appoġġ tal-Livelli tal-Kummerċ GBPUSD: 1.2450, […]

Aqra iktar

Nas 100 Breaks Resistance Level and Rises Through Bullish Wedge

Market Analysis- May 14 In recent trading sessions, the US100 index has been displaying an impressive uptrend. This has been marked by the index breaking through the resistance level of 13195.0 on April 27, 2023. For approximately eight months, the price has been fluctuating below this key resistance level, but the bulls have shown remarkable […]

Aqra iktar

Avalanche Tniedi Cloudverse fi Sħubija Ma' Alibaba

Alibaba’s cloud division has announced its collaboration with Avalanche in launching Cloudverse. The Cloudverse, which happens to be an innovative launchpad, sets out to offer an all-encompassing platform for enterprises to construct and administer their metaverse realms, introducing groundbreaking avenues for customer engagement. According to Emin Gün Sirer, the Chief Executive Officer of Ava Labs, […]

Aqra iktar

Il-Prezz taż-Żejt tal-Istati Uniti Jgħaqqad malajr

Market Analysis – May 5 US Oil price has declined quickly after a false breakout above 81.130. This week, the market reached its lowest price so far at 66.000. US Oil Key Levels Resistance Levels: 81.130, 89.000, 92.800Support Levels: 73.200, 66.000, 62.000 Oil Long-Term Trend: Bearish Oil price fluctuations have been very erratic in recent […]

Aqra iktar

US 30 Attempt to Break Out Falli Darba Aktar

Analiżi tas-Suq - 2 ta 'Mejju Il-Barrin 30 tal-Istati Uniti ppruvaw jogħlew lil hinn mill-livell ewlieni 34381.0 iżda fallew diversi drabi. L-aħħar tentattiv fl-ewwel ta 'Mejju wassal għall-formazzjoni ta' mudell ta 'treġġigħ lura bearish double-top taħt iż-żona ta' reżistenza iebsa. Livelli ewlenin tal-US 30 Livelli ta' Domanda: 32751.0, 31718.0, 30171.0Provvista […]

Aqra iktar

GBPUSD tissielet biex titla 'l hinn minn 1.2450

Analiżi tas-Suq - 1 ta 'Mejju GBPUSD qed jagħmel it-tielet tentattiv tiegħu minn Novembru biex jgħaqqad iż-żona ta' reżistenza ta '1.2459. L-allegazzjoni fil-livell ewlieni tant kienet iebsa li s-suq baqa 'fiż-żona għal ftit jiem. GBPUSD Livelli Ewlenin Livelli ta' Domanda: 1.1900, 1.1100, 1.0700Livelli ta' Provvista: 1.2450, 1.3100, 1.3700 GBPUSD […]

Aqra iktar

Listi Ikklassifikati u Riveduti tal-Banek Bitcoin Top għall-2023

How are crypto banks operated? The term “crypto-friendly banks” or “bitcoin banks” refers to contemporary, sophisticated financial organizations that accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment or medium of exchange. They assist businesses that work with cryptocurrencies and could even offer custody or exchange services for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. You should exercise caution when […]

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