
EURUSD trades within a rangebound unifying zone near 1.1300 level At the early stages of the week regarding last Friday’s modest retracement, EURUSD is battling for trajectory in the 1.1300 regions. The FX pair triggered a reversal lower to the sub-1.1280 level after reaching fresh 3-month highs close to 1.1400 level on Friday where it appears […]

Aqra iktar

Il-Ġermanja 30 (DE30 EUR) tinsab f'Tendenza Qawwija B'saħħitha, Approċċi fil-Livell 12000

Key Resistance Zones: 13600, 14000, 14400Key Support Zones: 11200, 10800, 10400 Germany 30 (DE30EUR) Long-term Trends: BullishThe index is in an uptrend. The bulls have reached level 11871 and it is approaching level 12000. According to the Relative Strength Index, the index is approaching the overbought region of the market. At level 12000, the market […]

Aqra iktar

Il-Ġermanja 30 (DE30 EUR) fir-Reġjun ta 'Overbought, Tiffaċċja l-Pressjoni tal-Bejgħ fil-Livell 11000

Key Resistance Zones: 13600, 14000, 14400Key Support Zones: 11200, 10800, 10400 Germany 30 (DE30EUR) Long-term Trend: BullishThe index is in an uptrend. It is presently rising from its low of level 10161and approaching level 11000. On the upside, if the bulls break above level 11000, the market will rally above level 11500. It other words, […]

Aqra iktar

Il-Ġermanja 30 (DE30 EUR) Tilħaq ir-Reġjun tal-Oversold f'10378, Xerrejja li x'aktarx joħorġu

Żoni ta 'Reżistenza Ewlenin: 13600, 14000, 14400 Żoni ta' Appoġġ Ewlenin: 11200, 10800, 10400 Ġermanja 30 (DE30EUR) Xejra fit-tul: Bullish Riċentement, l-indiċi kien f'moviment 'il fuq peress li laħaq għoli ta' 11000 Il-prezz kien missielta. fil-livell 11000 hekk kif is-suq niżel għal-livell 10498.80. Is-suq waqa' għall-appoġġ 'il fuq minn […]

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Il-Ġermanja 30 (DE30 EUR) Jista 'Jkompli Nimxu' l fuq minkejja r-Reżistenza tal-Orsijiet

Key Resistance Zones: 13600, 14000, 14400 Key Support Zones: 11200, 10800, 10400 Germany 30 (DE30EUR) Long-term Trend: Bullish The current upward move has been hampered at 10756 resistance. The bulls have made two unsuccessful attempts to break the resistance. Presently, price is falling after being repelled at the resistance. The market falls to 10000 support […]

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