
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Tissielet 'il fuq minn $ 220 Appoġġ, Ċaqliq' il fuq Probabbli

Key Resistance Levels: $275, $300, $350 Key Support Levels: $200, $160, $120 BCH/USD Price Long-term Trend: Bearish Following the breakdown on April 12 and 13, the market resumed consolidation above $220 support for two days. Today, BCH has resumed its downward move after breaking below $220 support. The price has dropped to $212; a further […]

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Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Jikser Żoni ta 'Reżistenza Aktar, hekk kif il-Barrin Jiksbu Aktar Raġunijiet

Key Resistance Levels: $275, $300, $350 Key Support Levels: $200, $160, $120 BCH/USD Price Long-term Trend: Bullish Bitcoin Cash has maintained its bullish run as the resistance at $240 and $260 were broken. Unfortunately, BCH reached a high of $280 but was resisted. The bears pulled back to the low of $260. The market is […]

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Il-Bitcoin Cash Ikompli t-Tendenza 'l fuq tiegħu, jiffaċċja r-Reżistenza għal $ 240

Key Resistance Levels: $275, $300, $350 Key Support Levels: $200, $160, $120 BCH/USD Price Long-term Trend: Bearish Bitcoin Cash is currently trading at $223 or approaching the resistance line of the descending channel. On the upside, if the bulls break and close above the resistance line, BCH will resume an upward move. On the downside, […]

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Bitcoin Cash Slumps taħt il-Livell ta 'Appoġġ Kritiku ta' $ 200

Livelli ta 'Reżistenza Ewlenin: $ 275, $ 300, $ 350 Livelli ta' Appoġġ Ewlenin: $ 200, $ 160, $ 120 BCH / USD Prezz Xejra fit-tul: Bearish Illum, BCH jaqa 'għal livell baxx ta' $ 169 wara t-tqassim tal-prezz. Aktar kmieni, BCH ilu jvarja 'l fuq mil-livell tal-prezz ta' $270. Il-barrin ilhom jiddefendu l-livell ta 'appoġġ. BCH se jkun f'mossa 'l fuq jekk l-appoġġ [...]

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Bitcoin Cash Bounces 'il fuq minn $ 320 Appoġġ; Rally 'il fuq minn $ 400 Huwa Mistenni

Livelli ta 'Reżistenza Ewlenin: $ 275, $ 300, $ 350 Livelli ta' Appoġġ Ewlenin: $ 200, $ 160, $ 120 BCH / USD Prezz Xejra fit-Tul: Bullish Bitcoin Cash bounces fl-appoġġ attwali ta '$ 320 hekk kif is-suq jilħaq għoli ta' $ 339. L-appoġġ attwali ta '$ 320 qed iżomm minħabba li l-pressjoni tal-bejgħ ġiet eżawrita. BCH qabel waqa 'fl-bejgħ żejjed [...]

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Il-Bitcoin Cash jerġa 'jibda t-tendenza' l fuq hekk kif ix-Xerrejja jimbuttaw il-Prezz 'il fuq mil-Livell ta' Tifqigħ ta '$ 360

Livelli ta 'Reżistenza Ewlenin: $ 275, $ 300, $ 350 Livelli ta' Appoġġ Ewlenin: $ 200, $ 160, $ 120 BCH / USD Prezz Xejra fit-Tul: Bearish Minn Frar 15, BCH ilu għaddej 'l isfel. Il-munita niżlet għal livell baxx ta’ $301 li huwa taħt il-livell ta’ tbegħid ta’ $360. B'dan l-appoġġ attwali, il-BCH waqa' fir-reġjun ta' bejgħ eċċessiv […]

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Il-Flus Bitcoin (BCH) Jistgħu Jkomplu jbigħu l-Pressjoni Jekk il-Prezz jinkiser taħt $ 360

Key Resistance Levels: $275, $300, $350 Key Support Levels: $200, $160, $120 BCH/USD Price Long-term Trend: Bearish Recently, Bitcoin Cash achieved 90% gains from the bear market after it reached a high of $495. Unfortunately, the bulls were resisted as the coin was in the overbought region of the market. In the overbought region, buyers […]

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