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Prezz Cardano: Se jkun hemm aktar tnaqqis?

Prezz Cardano: Se jkun hemm aktar tnaqqis?

Cardano Jirreġistra Żieda Sinjifikanti fil-Prezz Wara Tnedija ta’ Aiken

It-tħabbira reċenti tat-Tnedija ta 'CardanoAiken hija bla dubju problema kbira għall-ekosistema blockchain. Din il-lingwa u toolchain ta' kuntratt intelliġenti ta' sors miftuħ ġdid huma mmirati biex itejbu l-proċessi għall-iżvilupp ta' kuntratti intelliġenti fuq il-blockchain Cardano. Hija mfassla biex tagħmel il-proċess tal-kitba ta' kuntratti intelliġenti aktar effiċjenti u aċċessibbli, u […]

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Cardano Ara Żieda Notevoli fl-Utenti Attivi ta 'Kuljum: CryptoCompare

Cardano (ADA), one of the most used smart contract blockchains, saw a 15.6% increase in daily active users in November, despite the collapse of the prominent cryptocurrency exchange FTX, according to research released by crypto analytics company CryptoCompare. Following the implosion of FTX, customers were increasingly shifting their assets away from centralized cryptocurrency platforms and […]

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Cardano Ara 300% Żieda fl-Użu f'Kuntratti Intelliġenti fl-2022

Cardano (ADA) smart contracts have been used more than 300% more this year than they were at this time last year, according to data posted by popular crypto influencer account Altcoin Daily. Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, mocking those who frequently view ADA transactions as phantoms, remarked sarcastically, “Ghost scripts.” The Amount of #Cardano […]

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Cardano Għad irid Jirkupra Mill-Qawwa Bearish

Cardano is yet to recover from bearish strength. The ADA network looks to be evolving and enhancing its blockchain despite the solid dive back into a bearish moment. Although some analysts believe that Cardano has been lacking institutional investors recently, Charle Hoskinson, CEO of ADA, still holds faith in DEFI being the future of crypto. […]

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Cardano's Hard Fork Aftermath Toħloq Dubji għall-Investituri

L-investituri ta’ Cardano kienu ilhom jistennew l-upgrade tal-hard fork ta’ Vasil. L-iskop tal-aġġornament kien li jagħmel il-blockchain ta' Cardano irħas. Dan it-titjib kien mistenni li jikkawża pompa fil-prezz tas-suq. Kuntrarjament għal din l-istennija, kien hemm tnaqqis fil-prezz tal-Ada. Id-diżappunt li rajna wara li l-aġġornament ta’ Cardno għamel lill-investituri b’moħħ doppju […]

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Cardano Tolqot Riċetta hekk kif l-Iżviluppaturi Vasil jipposponu l-Aġġornament tan-Netwerk

Report reports suggest that the launch date of the Cardano (ADA) hard fork has been shifted. Previously slated to launch at the end of July, the update has been postponed indefinitely. This no doubt came as a disappointment to the Cardano community, who have been eagerly anticipating this update for months. The hard fork got […]

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Il-Kumpanija Ospitanti Cardano toħroġ Node Finali Qabel it-Tnedija ta' Vasil

As Cardano (ADA) prepares to launch the controversial Vasil Hard Fork, Input Output Global (IOG), Cardano’s host company, recently announced the rolling-out of a new node. The company detailed that the latest node, Cardano node 1.35.0, is the final confidante before the deployment of Vasil on the Mainnet. The new development brings the network closer […]

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Il-Fundatur Cardano se Jidher Quddiem il-Kumitat tal-Kungress tal-Istati Uniti dwar ir-Regolament Crypto

Cardano (ADA) boss Charles Hoskinson disclosed via Twitter in the wee hours of today that he had been invited to speak on cryptocurrency and blockchain in the US House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture next week. The Input-Output Global CEO noted that the conference would hold on June 23, adding that interested crypto enthusiasts could […]

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Cardano Boss Teases Karatteristiċi Ġodda tan-Netwerk bl-Endorsers tal-Input Upgrade

Despite its remarkable performance over the past few years, Cardano refuses to rest on its oars as the development team continues to work on new infrastructure and protocols to improve network scalability. While the community eagerly awaits the rollout of the Vasil Hard Fork later this month, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson recently spoke on the […]

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