
Deheb (XAUUSD) 'il fuq Jiċċaqlaq Qed Niffaċċja ċ-Ċaħda fil-Livell 1740, ix-Xejra Niżla tista' Tkompli

Key Resistance Levels: $1,900, $1,950, $2000Key Support Levels: $1,750, $1, 700,$1,650 Gold (XAUUSD) Long-term Trend: BearishGold is presently in a downward move. Today, the price is correcting upward and retesting the resistance at level 1740. In the previous downtrend on January 18; a retraced candle body tested the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement level. The retracement indicates […]

Aqra iktar

Prezz tad-Deheb: Il-Preġudizzju ta 'Fuq jittaffa fuq XAUUSD Taħt il-Livell ta' $ 1800 Fost Pickup fir-Rendimenti tal-Bonds ta 'l-Istati Uniti

Analiżi tal-Prezz XAUUSD - Deheb ta 'Frar 25 (XAUUSD) ikompli jitħabat biex jibqa' għaddej pressjoni tal-bejgħ f'medda ristretta taħt il-livell ta '$ 1800 matul is-sessjoni ta' nofs l-Ewropa. Il-par XAUUSD inbidel fin-nofsinhar fis-sigħat bikrin tal-kummerċ tal-Ħamis u niżel għall-inqas $1787. Pickup modest fil-bond tat-Teżor tal-Istati Uniti […]

Aqra iktar

Gold Iġbed lura għal-livell ewlieni

Key Support: 1765 Key Resistance: 1775 – 1785 Long term view Gold, as we have been discussing, is in a very bullish momentum due to investors seeking to protect their capital facing a capital markets collapse due to the pandemic we are living in. We have seen Gold pull back 15% from all time highs […]

Aqra iktar

Deheb (XAUUSD) Qed Jittestja l-Livell 1769.526, Aktar Pressjoni ta 'Bejgħ Aktarx

Key Resistance Levels: $1,900, $1,950, $2,000Key Support Levels: $1.700, $1,650,$1,600 Gold (XAUUSD) Long-term Trend: Bearish Gold (XAUUSD) is presently in a downward movement. It fell to level 1785.526 and corrected upward. The upward correction was terminated at level 1855.455. The market has resumed its downward move. On February 4 downtrend; a retraced candle body tested […]

Aqra iktar

Analiżi tal-Prezz tad-Deheb - 10 ta ’Frar

Gold (XAU/USD) climbed higher in the early European session on Wednesday, as a weaker US dollar (DXY) and the expectation of additional US fiscal stimulus boosted demand for the yellow metal. President Joe Biden’s proposed $1.9 trillion stimulus package continued to make significant progress, as Biden agreed on Tuesday to work with a proposal from […]

Aqra iktar

Analiżi tal-Prezz tad-Deheb - 8 ta ’Frar

Gold (XAU/USD) traded on a sideways momentum through the early European session on Monday between the $1819 resistance and the $1808 support. The yellow metal appears to have attracted some dip-buyers over the past few hours and might build on Friday’s bullish recovery from its recent decline to a two-month low. However, the uptick lacked […]

Aqra iktar

Id-deheb jikser il-livell ewlieni: 1760 fil-vista

Gold rallied again at the beginning of the week to retest the top of the range it had been trading since the beginning of the year after the big drop from 1958 back in January 6. This bearish breakout is still not confirmed since the last bullish defense line is intact: the Nov. 26 highs […]

Aqra iktar

Analiżi tal-Prezz tad-Deheb - 3 ta ’Frar

Deheb (XAU / USD) tħabat biex isostni l-irbit tajjeb tiegħu mill-bieraħ u ġedded il-livell baxx ta 'kuljum ta' madwar $ 1832 fis-sessjoni Ewropea bikrija ta 'nhar l-Erbgħa. Il-burdata prevalenti tar-riskju fis-suq kienet l-aktar responsabbli għall-iskarsezza tad-domanda madwar id-deheb, li kienet tillimita kwalunkwe qligħ addizzjonali għaliha. Ukoll, il-ġbir fit-Teżor ta 'l-Istati Uniti [...]

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