
Kummerċ Bħal Ninja: 7 Tekniki Stealthy għal Forex Trading Intelliġenti

Tixtieq issir guru tal-kummerċ tal-Forex? L-ewwel ħaġa li għandek tagħmel hu li tieħu korsijiet tal-forex trading. B'dan il-mod, tifhem aħjar ir-regoli tal-logħba. Ladarba tkun taf l-affarijiet bażiċi, tiffamiljarizza ruħek mat-tekniki meħtieġa għal esperjenza profittabbli. Dawn jinkludu: 1. Hedging Fil-Forex, hedging huwa […]

Aqra iktar

Tbassir tas-Suq tal-Blokk Lucky: Il-Barin LBLOCK Jikseb Saħħa fil-Konsolidazzjoni, Jħarsu 'l fuq.

Lucky Block Market Prediction: June 12 The Lucky Block market prediction is for the buyers to keep gathering momentum as the price ranges. LBLOCK is expected to break out upwards shortly. LBLOCK/USD Long-Term Trend: Bullish (1-Day Chart) Key Levels: Supply Zones: $0.0002980, $0.0001990, $0.0001690 Demand Zones: $0.0001420, $0.0001250, $0.0000880 LBLOCKUSD has dropped to a lower […]

Aqra iktar

Dash 2 Tbassir tal-Prezz tal-Kummerċ għal Illum, 9 ta' Ġunju: D2T Isib Appoġġ 'il fuq mill-Marka ta' $ 0.009000, Iffoka fuq Livelli Ogħla ta' Prezz

Dash 2 Trade’s price recently broke through the price resistance level at the $0.009000 mark to reach around the $0.009190 mark. As of now, price activity seems to have found a strong support level at the $0.009080 mark. Also, price action now seems ready to take on much-elevated price resistance levels. Dash 2 Trade: June […]

Aqra iktar

Solana Isib Appoġġ 'il fuq minn $ 17 hekk kif Jilħaq ir-Reġjun Oversold

Key HighlightsSolana has revisited the previous low of $17SOL/USD reaches an oversold region Solana ( SOL) Current StatisticsThe current price: $17.58Market Capitalization: $9,686,808,330Trading Volume: $421MMajor supply zones: $60, $80,$100Major demand zones: $50, $30, $10 Solana (Sol) Price Price Long-Term Prediction: BearishSolana’s (SOL) price is in decline as it reaches the oversold region of the market. […]

Aqra iktar

GALA/USD Jibqa 'bearish wara li kiseb 4.05% 

GALA/USD price action has increased by 4.05%, yet the price movements of this crypto appear bearish despite the gains. Technical indicators used in analyzing this market, are also indicating more bearish price movements. may be witnessed in this market. Let’s zoom in for a closer look. GALA Analysis Data GALA Value Now: $0.02732 GALA Market […]

Aqra iktar

X'inhu s-Sigriet għal Kummerċ b'suċċess?

Is-sigriet għall-kummerċ ta 'suċċess jinsab f'kombinazzjoni ta' għarfien, dixxiplina u adattabilità. L-ewwelnett, l-akkwist ta 'fehim profond tas-swieq, l-istrateġiji tal-kummerċ, u l-ġestjoni tar-riskju huwa kruċjali. Dan l-għarfien jagħti s-setgħa lin-negozjanti biex jieħdu deċiżjonijiet infurmati u jinnavigaw il-kumplessitajiet tal-pajsaġġ finanzjarju. It-tieni nett, id-dixxiplina għandha rwol vitali fil-kummerċ b'suċċess. Hija […]

Aqra iktar

Tbassir tal-Prezz Arbitrum: Firxiet ARBUSD bħala Xerrejja Jistennew Breakout

Arbitrum Price Forecast: June 2 The Arbitrum price forecast is for the market to keep ranging for a while as the buyers get empowered for a breakout. Arbitrum Long-Term Trend: Bullish (4-hour Chart) Key Levels:   Zones of supply: $1.2880, $1.3310, $1.4360 Zones of Demand: $1.1910, $1.1550, $1.0620 The last month of the first half of […]

Aqra iktar

Tbassir tas-Suq Lucky Block: LBLOCK Jikkonsolida Bejn Livelli Ewlenin, Antiċipa Rally

Lucky Block Market Prediction: June 2 The Lucky Block market prediction is now consolidating between two key levels, $0.0001420 and $0.0001100, ahead of a bullish rally. LBLOCK/USD Long-Term Trend: Bullish (1-Day Chart) Key Levels: Supply Zones: $0.0002980, $0.0001990, $0.0001690 Demand Zones: $0.0001420, $0.0001250, $0.0000880 LBLOCKUSD intends to push its limits beyond the $0.0001990 resistance level. […]

Aqra iktar
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