
Nasdaq (NAS100) huwa lest li jkompli l-Kampanja Bullish tiegħu b'formazzjoni ta' Bandiera Bullish

NAS100 Analysis – February 26 NAS100 is poised to continue its bullish campaign with a bullish flag formation. The market picked up momentum, precisely at the beginning of the year. This led to a strong upward movement from the demand level of 10695.0. The price then faced several key levels head-on, breaching all till it […]

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Nasdaq (US 100) Jifforma Double-Top fil-Livell tal-Provvista

It-tendenza 'l fuq tan-Nasdaq twaqqaf fil-livell tal-provvista 12795.0. Ix-xerrejja huma eżawriti wara li jimbuttaw minn żoni ta 'reżistenza multipli. Livelli Ewlenin tal-Istati Uniti 100 Livelli ta 'Domanda: 12071.0, 11311.0, 10665.0Livelli ta' Provvista: 12795.0, 13638.0, 14400.0 Nasdaq Xejra fit-tul: Barrin Bearish Nasdaq iffaċċjaw il-livell ta 'reżistenza 12795.0 iebsa. Il-livell tad-domanda […]

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US100 Jilħaq Livell ta’ Provvista Maġġuri

Market Analysis – February 12 US100 has reached the major supply level of 12864.0. The bulls are facing resistance pushing through the zone. US100 Key Levels Demand Levels: 11324.0, 10691.0, 10347.0Supply Levels: 12864.0, 13703.0, 15270.0 US100 Long-term trend: Bullish US100 experienced multiple long-term downtrends in 2022.The first of the bearish swings started in April. It […]

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Blokk ta 'Ordni Bullish Depożiti ta' US100 Fit-Tlugħ tagħha

Analiżi tas-Suq - 5 ta 'Frar US100 wassal in-naħa tal-bejgħ tas-suq minn Awwissu sa Settembru. Is-suq naqas mil-livell tal-provvista f'13705.0 għal-livell tad-domanda f'10708.0. Is-suq ġej jagħti n-naħa tax-xiri tas-suq. Livelli ewlenin US100 Livelli ta 'Reżistenza: 12732.0, 13214.0, 13705.0Livelli ta' Appoġġ: 12187.0, 11300.0, 10708.0 US100 Fit-tul [...]

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L-Azzjoni tal-Prezz tan-Nasdaq 100 Tista' Testendi l-Moviment Ta' Fuq tal-Ġimgħa li għaddiet

Price activities in the Nasdaq 100 market stayed mostly bullish during the past week. At this point, it appears as if price action may continue to move upwards, considering signs coming from trading indicators. So, let’s zoom in to get a closer look. Major Price Levels: Top Levels: $11,541.50, $11,600, $11,600 Floor Levels: $11,500, $11,450, […]

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Nasdaq 100 Isostni l-Kummerċ Fuq il-Marka tal-Prezz ta '$ 10,900

Since nine trading sessions ago, the Nasdaq 100 price action ripped through the Fibonacci support level of 78.60. Currently, price action has rebounded upwards from near $10,600 to $10,939. However, trading indicators continue to point to the possibility of further price increases. Major Price Levels: Top Levels: $10,939, $11,000, $11,050 Floor Levels: $10,900, $10,850, $10,800 […]

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NAS100 Qiegħed Jiċċaqlaq il-ġenb hekk kif jerġa' jżur il-Livell 10661.40

Key Resistance Zones: 16000, 16500, 17000Key Support Zones: 13500, 13000, 12500 NASDAQ 100 (NAS100) Long-term Trend: BearishThe NAS100 price is falling as it revisits level 10661.40. Since November 15, buyers have been attempting to break through the resistance at level 12000. Nonetheless, after three failed attempts, the NAS100 fell below the moving average lines. Today, […]

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