
Deheb biex Jidħol fil-Konsolidazzjoni Wara Żviluppi ta ’Poll li Mhumiex mistennija

Deheb (XAU/USD) innegozjat fuq preġudizzju negattiv fis-sessjoni tal-kummerċ Ewropea bikrija nhar l-Erbgħa, hekk kif il-barmil tal-prezz lejn $1876 għal darb'oħra. Bounce tajjeb fid-dollaru Amerikan (DXY) kien meqjus bħala l-fattur ewlieni li jeżerċita pressjoni fuq il-komodità denominata f'dollaru. Ir-riżultati elettorali bikrija mill-Istati Uniti indikaw li t-tellieqa għall- […]

Aqra iktar

Elezzjonijiet fl-Istati Uniti: Id-Deheb Jakkwista Modest Momentum Bullish hekk kif is-Swieq Ippreparaw għall-Avveniment Ewlieni ta 'Għada

Gold (XAU/USD) traded on a positive tone through the early European session on Monday and has renewed its daily highs around $1890 in the past few hours, although it lacked any follow-through strength. The yellow metal built on last week’s positive climb, as investors become wary and are hedging their bets against the outcome of […]

Aqra iktar

Analiżi tal-Prezz tad-Deheb - 28 ta 'Ottubru

Gold (XAU/USD) continued on its consolidation bias in the early European session on Wednesday and was last spotted trading at a fresh daily low of $1893. The yellow metal experienced a renewed bearishness and erased the previous day’s gains, although it remained well within a four-day-old trading range. A healthy bounce in the US dollar […]

Aqra iktar

Gwida Rapida dwar Kif Jinvestu fid-Deheb fl-2021

Meta tkun dwar l-investiment fis-swieq Bullion, primarjament hemm tliet modi dwar kif tinvesti fid-deheb. L-investituri jistgħu jagħżlu minn wieħed minn dawn hawn taħt: – Ixtri l-metall innifsu – Jinvestu f’ishma ta’ ETF [fond innegozjat fil-Borża] li jirreplika l-prezz tad-deheb – Innegozja fil-futur u għażliet fis-suq tal-komoditajiet – l-aktar […]

Aqra iktar

Id-Deheb jibda l-Ġimgħa fuq Sentiment Depressiv

Gold (XAU/USD) traded lower in the early European session on Monday and has fallen to a new one-week low in the Asian session, although bears lacked any follow-through strength. The yellow metal continued on its decline from the $1933 supply zone and has traded on a depressing sentiment for its third consecutive session today. The […]

Aqra iktar

Analiżi tal-Prezz tad-Deheb - 19 ta 'Ottubru

Gold (XAU/USD) climbed higher in the early European session on Monday and was last spotted trading around the $1912 area. A weaker tone around the US dollar (DXY) was seen as the major bolstering factor for the dollar-denominated commodity today. This, coupled with the lingering political tension s in the united states, has extended additional […]

Aqra iktar

Analiżi tal-Prezz tad-Deheb - 14 ta 'Ottubru

Gold (XAU/USD) has recovered by about $15 from yesterday’s low and has recorded a new daily high in the early European session, as bulls fight for $1900 again.  The yellow metal found some dip-buyers at the $1882 area and appears to have stalled the steep retracement from its recent three-week high at $1933. A weakened […]

Aqra iktar

Analiżi tal-Prezz tad-Deheb - 12 ta 'Ottubru

Gold (XAU/USD) continues to trade near its monthly highs around $1933 as speculations over a fresh round of stimulus measures in the US weighs heavily on the greenback. The precious metal fought against the odds and extended its recovery from its monthly low around $1873 despite several risk-boosting events. Analysts have proposed that gold’s decline […]

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