
GBPJPY Jinsab Imsakkar Fil-Konsolidazzjoni hekk kif ix-Xerrejja Jirrifjutaw li Jrendu

GBPJPY Analysis – August 5 GBPJPY is locked in consolidation as both buyers and sellers refuse to shift ground. The sellers were set to dominate the market when they increased pressure on the strong 159.680 support at the end of April. The pressure was such that it drilled downward utilizing a triangle pattern. By May […]

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Xejra tas-Suq GBPJPY Tibqa' Bullish

GBPJPY Analysis – July 29 GBPJPY market trend remains bullish as it retested the 156.30 support. Since March 18th, 2020, the market has been bullish. Between February 22nd, 2021 and March 16th, 2022, the upward trend was halted, and during the break, the market was stuck between two major levels: 149.10 and 156.30. GBPJPY Major […]

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GBPJPY Ikompli x-xejra 'l fuq tas-Suq Wara Retracement

GBPJPY Analysis – July 22 GBPJPY continues the market’s upward trend after a retracement. Prices ranged between the two significant zones of 155.700 and 148.700 until a true breakout in March. The breakout in March drove them towards the supply zone at 168.200. After GBPJPY hit its all-time high of 168.200 this year, prices crashed […]

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GBPJPY jerġa 'jibda t-tendenza tas-suq f'direzzjoni 'l fuq

GBPJPY Analysis – July 15 GBPJPY resumes the market trend upward from the 157.800 demand zone. The GBPJPY market was trending upward until February 24, 2021, when bulls drove the price past the previous resistance level. Following this breakout, the market’s prices began to struggle between two major levels. GBPJPY Major Levels Resistance Level: 168.430, […]

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Il-Prezz GBPJPY Qed Jakkumula Pressjoni 'l isfel tal-Bejgħ

GBPJPY Analysis – June 24 GBPJPY price is accumulating a selling force back to the 159.970 critical level. The buy traders have recently been subdued due to the high selling impact of the sell merchants. The bear traders now influence the GBPJPY price since buyers have been lately subdued. Traders should therefore pay attention to […]

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Is-Suq GBPJPY Qed Sejra Lura għal-Livell ta 'Reżistenza Qawwija ta' 163.020

GBPJPY Analysis – May 27 GBPJPY market is heading back to the strong resistance level of 163.020. The bullish stance is inching closer and closer to reaching this significant level. The sellers’ movement had recently altered the price structure, which had an effect on the buyers’ movement. As soon as the buyers began placing orders […]

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L-Impatt Bearish ta' 162.000 Se Joħloq Aktar Opportunitajiet ta' Bejgħ fuq GBPJPY

GBPJPY Analysis – May 20 The bearish impact of the 162.000 key level will provide more selling opportunities for sell traders. The bulls have conceded defeat by failing to push the tendency of GBPJPY value far above the 162.000 key zone. After the candlestick pulled through this structure, the selling pressure plunged the currency pair […]

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L-Impatt Bearish ta '162.000 Se Joħloq Aktar Opportunitajiet ta' Bejgħ fuq GBPJPY

GBPJPY Analysis – May 20 The bearish impact of the 162.000 key level will provide more selling opportunities for sell traders. The bulls have conceded defeat by failing to push the tendency of GBPJPY value far above the 162.000 key zone. After the candlestick pulled through this structure, the selling pressure plunged the currency pair […]

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Il-prezz GBPJPY Ikompli Dewweb fil-Provvista Bearish

Analiżi GBPJPY - Mejju 13 L-azzjoni tal-prezz GBPJPY tidher li hija megħluba mis-sentiment bearish. Dejjem kien hemm tnaqqis sinifikanti fil-par hekk kif is-saħħa tad-dollaru qed tkompli tonqos. Il-bejjiegħa tal-GPJPY għalhekk qed jieħdu lura l-ordni tal-prezz biex jimlew il-vojt kollha maħluqa mis-sentiment tal-prezz fil-[...]

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