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Prezz EURUSD: Aktar Tnaqqis fil-Prezz Ppjanat

Prezz EURUSD: Aktar Tnaqqis fil-Prezz Ppjanat

EURUSD Upside Move Jibqa 'bla waqfien lil hinn mil-Livell 1.1800 Hekk kif is-Swieq Jistennew Aktar Aħbarijiet dwar il-Vaċċini

EURUSD Price Analysis – November 16 The market soared on COVID-19 vaccine news in the prior week as EURUSD posts fresh gains and risk-on weighs over the safe-haven greenback early on in the day. EURUSD trades in green in the 1.1850 neighborhood with its upside move staying unabated beyond the 1.1800 level as markets await […]

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Il-Konsolidazzjoni ta 'Fuq tal-EURUSD Ikompli Hekk kif l-Orsijiet u l-Barrin jibqgħu fuq il-ġenb fil-Mark 1.1800

EURUSD Price Analysis – November 13 The EURUSD edged higher in the prior session as bears and bulls stay on the sideline at the 1.1800 marks. The dollar, however, recovered some ground ahead of the close. The number of newly reported coronavirus cases is growing exponentially, and the health systems are stressed in Europe. Key […]

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L-Irtiri u l-Irtirar tal-EURUSD Taħt il-Livell 1.1900 Minkejja d-Dejta Sentix taż-Żona Ewro Upbeat

EURUSD Price Analysis – November 9 EURUSD is off the highs as the pair retreats and stays beneath the 1.1900 level. The upbeat Eurozone Sentix data offered some temporary boost to the bulls but not enough to take out the 1.1900 resistance. Markets are eyeing further responses and coronavirus headlines. Key LevelsResistance Levels: 1.2011, 1.1917, […]

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Negozji EURUSD Taħt Pressjoni Lejn Livell 1.1685 Fost Tnaqqis Indott mill-BĊE

Analiżi tal-Prezz EURUSD - 29 ta 'Ottubru Il-munita unika EURO ġiet taħt pressjoni lejn il-livell 1.1685 fuq mewġa ġdida ta' stmerrija għar-riskju. EURUSD tefa 'l-art għar-raba' sessjoni konsekuttiva u rnexxielu jistabbilizza 'l fuq mil-livell 1.1695 wara li waqa' nhar il-Ħamis fost il-laqgħa tal-politika monetarja tal-BĊE. Livelli ewlenin Livelli ta 'Reżistenza: 1.2011, 1.1917, [...]

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Settijiet ta 'Korrezzjoni tal-EURUSD Lejn Reġjun ta' Appoġġ 1.1807 Wara li Ħarġu mill-Kundizzjonijiet ta 'Nxtir żejjed

EURUSD Price Analysis – October 22 The EURUSD pair exited overbought conditions and is ready to rally while correction sets in towards the 1.1807 regions. EURUSD has been keeping onto earnings arising from stimulus anticipation but foreign meddling in the US elections and increasing COVID-19 incidents may confine any earning. Key LevelsResistance Levels: 1.2150, 1.2011, […]

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Xejriet tal-EURUSD fin-Nofsinhar Taħt il-Livell 1.1725 Hekk kif id-Differenzjali tar-Rendiment jagħtu spinta lis-saħħa tal-USD

EURUSD Price Analysis – October 15 The euro currency trends beneath the 1.1725 level against the US dollar, with buyers of EURUSD losing strength. The pair is trading lower at the level of 1.1705 at press time. As the US-German bond yield differentials are growing amid concerns of a lengthy coronavirus-induced recession across the Eurozone, […]

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