Aħbarijiet reċenti

Ethereum Qed Tnaqqas Imma Timmira L-Baxx ta '$ 3,056

Ethereum Qed Tnaqqas Imma Timmira L-Baxx ta '$ 3,056

Ethereum Jinsab f'Medda Dejqa hekk kif in-negozjanti Jaslu fl-Indeċiżjoni

Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $1,884.43 Market Capitalization: $227,992,890,488Trading Volume: $2,415,827,884Major supply zones: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Major demand zones: $1,700, $1,500, $1,000 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis July 29, 2023Ethereum (ETH) price has remained stable between the moving average lines as traders reach indecision. Today, the most important altcoin is decreasing due to a rejection at […]

Aqra iktar

Ethereum Jikkonsolida iżda Jibqa 'taħt il-$ 1,880 Għoli

Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $1,861.61Market Capitalization: $223,766,469,440Trading Volume: $4,090,566,617Major supply zones: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Major demand zones: $1,700, $1,500, $1,000 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis July 28, 2023Ethereum (ETH) price is still trading between the moving average lines but stays below the $1,880 high. In other words, the most valuable altcoin has been locked between […]

Aqra iktar

Ethereum Slips fi Range Bound Move Waqt li jżomm aktar minn $ 1,800

Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $1,897.99Market Capitalization: $228,198,962,155Trading Volume: $7,417,658,601Major supply zones: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Major demand zones: $1,700, $1,500, $1,000 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis July 21, 2023The price of Ethereum (ETH) has slipped between the moving average lines while holding over $1,800. The altcoin is trading below the 21-day simple moving average but above […]

Aqra iktar

Ethereum Jidħol fiż-Żona tal-Limitu tal-Medda hekk kif Jilħaq $1,827

Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $1,906.68Market Capitalization: $229,172,175,247Trading Volume: $6,311,653,897Major supply zones: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Major demand zones: $1,700, $1,500, $1,000 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis July 20, 2023Ethereum (ETH) price is in decline, falling below the 21-day SMA as it reaches $1,827. The decrease has slowed in the area between the moving average lines. The […]

Aqra iktar

Żieda Bullish ta 'Ethereum Tkompli hekk kif Jibqa' 'l fuq minn $ 1,900

Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $1,935.0Market Capitalization: $232,547,148,266Trading Volume: $4,185,117,621Major supply zones: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Major demand zones: $1,700, $1,500, $1,000 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis July 16, 2023Ethereum (ETH) price is rebounding below the psychological price barrier as the bullish surge continues above $1,900. On July 15, the cryptocurrency’s price reached a new high but […]

Aqra iktar

Ethereum Jinsab f'Medda iżda Żomm 'il fuq minn $1,800 Appoġġ

Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $1,871.73Market Capitalization: $224,977,637,461Trading Volume: $6,348,381,121Major supply zones: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Major demand zones: $1,700, $1,500, $1,000 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis July 12, 2023The price of Ethereum (ETH) is climbing but holds above $1,800 support. Since July 6, the altcoin had been caught between the moving average lines. Doji candlesticks have […]

Aqra iktar

Ethereum Hovers 'il fuq mil-Livell ta' Breakout peress li Jimmira għal $ 2,100

Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $1,941.98 Market Capitalization: $233,416,912,163Trading Volume: $6BMajor supply zones: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Major demand zones: $1,700, $1,500, $1,000 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis July 4, 2023Ethereum (ETH) price has risen to a high of $1,968 as it aims for $2,100. Nonetheless, the price indication predicts that Ether will rise past the $2,000 […]

Aqra iktar

Ethereum Backtracks mill-Quċċata ta '$1,920 tiegħu hekk kif Tiffaċċja Qatra

Ethereum ETH) Statistika KurrentiIl-prezz kurrenti: $ 1,925.64 Kapitalizzazzjoni tas-Suq: $ 231,251,662,847Volum tal-kummerċ: $ 12B Żoni ta 'provvista maġġuri: $ 3,000, $ 3,500, $ 4,000Żoni ta' domanda maġġuri: $ 1,700, $ 1,500, $ 1,000, 30 Ethereum Prezz ta 'Ġunju Mill-2023 ta 'Ġunju, il-prezz ta 'Ethereum (ETH) ilu jittestja mill-ġdid il-livell ta' reżistenza ta '$ 21 hekk kif qed jiffaċċja tnaqqis. Ix-xerrejja żammew il-momentum bullish ogħla minn [...]

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