Aħbarijiet reċenti

Il-Multa Binance ta' $4.3 biljun: Insight

Il-Multa Binance ta' $4.3 biljun: Insight

SEC Tniedi Investigazzjoni dwar Binance dwar Ksur Allegat tal-Liġijiet tat-Titoli fl-2017

Binance has come under regulatory scrutiny again, this time with the SEC. The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently launched an investigation on the behemoth cryptocurrency exchange to ascertain whether it violated securities laws with its BNB token initial coin offering (ICO) five years ago. The latest regulatory report was published by Bloomberg […]

Aqra iktar

Prezz Binance Coin (BNBUSD): Fil-Każ tal-Prezz Jagħlaq 'il fuq minn $ 313, Livell ta' Reżistenza ta '$ 297 Jista' Jiġi Ittestjat

BNBUSD Price Analysis – June 27 In case the bears breaks down the support level of $256, the price may decline to $209 level, continue its downtrend movement towards the support level of $150. On the other hand, more pressure from the buyers may push up the Binance Coin to break the resistance level of […]

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Binance Beats Lawsuit dwar Talbiet ta 'Bejgħ ta' Tokens Mhux Reġistrat, bħala BNB Stalls

Behemoth cryptocurrency exchange Binance has been cleared of all charges, after getting sued in 2020 for allegedly selling unregistered cryptocurrencies. US District Judge Andrew Carter dismissed the lawsuit against the exchange last Thursday after Binance and its CEO, Changpeng Zhao (CZ), filed a motion for dismissal. The lawsuit, with case no.20-02803, was filed in April […]

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Prezz Binance Coin (BNBUSD) Jista 'jippenetra Livell ta' Reżistenza ta '$ 448

Analiżi tal-Prezz BNBUSD - 04 ta 'Marzu Il-prezz jista' jibda xejra bullish jekk ix-xemgħa ta 'kuljum tagħlaq 'il fuq mil-livell ta' $ 448, il-livelli ta 'reżistenza ta' $ 516 u $ 561 jistgħu jkunu l-mira. L-inkapaċità li tkisser il-livell ta '$ 448 mill-barrin tista' twassal għal moviment li jvarja fil-livelli ta '$ 448 u $ 397. Suq BNB/USD […]

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