Bitcoin SV Iddendel fl-Appoġġ, Jista 'Jiżżerżaq fi Tqassim

Azeez Mustapha


Nisfruttaw Sinjali Forex ta 'Kuljum

Agħżel Pjan


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Servizz ta' kummerċ ta' kopji. L-Algo tagħna awtomatikament jiftaħ u jagħlaq il-kummerċ.

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L-L2T Algo jipprovdi sinjali ta 'profitt ħafna b'riskju minimu.

Marka ta' kontroll

Kummerċ tal-kripto-munita 24/7. Waqt li torqod, aħna nnegozjaw.

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Setup ta '10 minuti b'vantaġġi sostanzjali. Il-manwal huwa pprovdut max-xiri.

Marka ta' kontroll

79% Rata ta' suċċess. Ir-riżultati tagħna se jħeġġuk.

Marka ta' kontroll

Sa 70 kummerċ fix-xahar. Hemm aktar minn 5 pari disponibbli.

Marka ta' kontroll

L-abbonamenti ta’ kull xahar jibdew minn £58.

Livelli ta 'Reżistenza Ewlenija: $ 140, $ 160, $ 180
Livelli Ewlenin ta 'Appoġġ: $ 80, $ 60, $ 40

BSV / USD Tendenza fit-Tul: Bearish
Early in December, the coin fell to the support at $92 and continued fluctuating above it. Trading at the bottom of the chart is precarious because of the tendency of the price to slide into depreciation. In retrospect, BSV was in a bear market and it fell to the low of $80 in September.

The bulls reacted and made a price correction up to the high of $140. The bulls could not penetrate the resistance at $140. However, the coin fell again after retesting the resistance on three occasions before nose-diving to the low of $92. The downtrend may continue if the coin trades below the $80 price level. Nevertheless, if it rebounds, it will move up and face the resistance at $140.

BSVUSD - Daily Chart

Qari ta 'Indikaturi taċ-Ċart ta' Kuljum:
Early in October, the bearish trend was terminated as the bulls break the downtrend line and closed above it. However, the selling pressure resumed as the coin was resisted at $140. The EMAs have made bearish crossover as the blue line crosses over the red line indicating a sell signal. The RSI period 14 levels 35 is still below the centerline 50 which implies that the price will fall.

BSV / USD Preġudizzju għal żmien medju: Bullish
On the 4- hour chart, the coin is trading between the price range of $90 and $112. In November, the bulls made attempts to move up but were  faced with resistance at $112. The bulls made over three attempts at the resistance before falling to the low of $92. Presently, the market is fluctuating at the bottom of the chart for a possible bullish move.

BSVUSD - 4 hour Chart

Qari ta ’Indikaturi taċ-Ċart ta’ 4 sigħat
Bitcoin SV is trading in the oversold region but above 20% range of the daily stochastic. BSV has commenced making an upward move. The coin is now in a bullish momentum. The 21-day SMA and the 50-day SMA are sloping horizontally indicating that the market is fluctuating.

Perspettiva Ġenerali għal Bitcoin SV (BSV)
Bitcoin SV is in a sideways move above the $90 price level. The coin is expected to trade below the support at $80 before assuming that the downtrend has resumed. However, if the coin rebound at the current price level, BSV will move up to retest the $140 price level.

Sinjal Kummerċjali BSV
Strument: BSVUSD
Ordni: Limitu tax-Xiri
Prezz tad-dħul: $ 80
Waqqaf: $ 60
Mira: $ 140

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Aqsam ma 'negozjanti oħra!

Azeez Mustapha

Azeez Mustapha huwa professjonist tal-kummerċ, analista tal-munita, strateġista tas-sinjali, u maniġer tal-fondi b'aktar minn għaxar snin ta 'esperjenza fil-qasam finanzjarju. Bħala blogger u awtur tal-finanzi, huwa jgħin lill-investituri jifhmu kunċetti finanzjarji kumplessi, itejbu l-ħiliet ta ’investiment tagħhom, u jitgħallmu kif jamministraw flushom.

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