Bitcoin (BTCUSD) Jieħu Pass Lura Minħabba l-Eżawriment tal-Barin

Azeez Mustapha


Nisfruttaw Sinjali Forex ta 'Kuljum

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BTCUSD Takes a Dip After First Time Rejection at $73,540.00

BTCUSD takes a setback as bullish momentum wanes, signalling exhaustion among buyers. Following its initial rejection at the $73,540.00 resistance, BTCUSD takes a dip, marking a pivotal moment in its recent surge. This decline underscores a temporary pause in the market’s bullish momentum, evident after a week of robust price action that propelled Bitcoin to a new all-time high. However, the retreat below the crucial $69,000 level suggests a need for bulls to regroup and recharge.

BTCUSD Livelli Ewlenin

Livelli ta 'Provvista: $ 75,000, $ 73,000, $ 69,000
Livelli ta 'Domanda: $ 64,000, $ 59,000, $ 52,000

Bitcoin (BTCUSD) Jieħu Pass Lura Minħabba l-Eżawriment tal-Barin

Amidst the retracement, Bitcoin may find support near the former level of $64,000, where it could stabilize before making another attempt to breach the $73,540 resistance. This anticipated pullback presents an opportunity for buyers to gather strength, potentially leading to a renewed rally and the establishment of a fresh market high. Despite the momentary setback, Bitcoin is poised to resume its impressive upward trajectory, buoyed by ongoing market optimism and favorable crypto signals.

Technical indicators provide insight into Bitcoin’s current market dynamics. The series of Parabolic SAR (Stop and Reverse) points below the market signals implied a rally, while a single dot appearing above the daily candlestick underscores a termination of the rally for a price reversal at the resistance level. Additionally, the Stochastic Oscillator, which previously hovered around the overbought territory, has retreated to the 50 mark, affirming the market’s downturn.

Bitcoin (BTCUSD) Jieħu Pass Lura Minħabba l-Eżawriment tal-Barin

Aspettattivi tas-Suq

Zooming in on the 4-hour timeframe reveals further clues about Bitcoin’s short-term trajectory. With dots accumulating above the candlesticks and the price dipping below the $69,000 level, the market remains in a retracement phase. Concurrently, the Stochastic Oscillator lines, previously in overbought territory, have sharply declined into oversold conditions, in line with prevailing crypto signals. As Bitcoin approaches the $64,000 support level, market participants anticipate a resurgence of bullish activity, setting the stage for potential price reactions and further market movements.

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Aqsam ma 'negozjanti oħra!

Azeez Mustapha

Azeez Mustapha huwa professjonist tal-kummerċ, analista tal-munita, strateġista tas-sinjali, u maniġer tal-fondi b'aktar minn għaxar snin ta 'esperjenza fil-qasam finanzjarju. Bħala blogger u awtur tal-finanzi, huwa jgħin lill-investituri jifhmu kunċetti finanzjarji kumplessi, itejbu l-ħiliet ta ’investiment tagħhom, u jitgħallmu kif jamministraw flushom.

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