
Ripple géint SEC: Béid Parteien erreechen d'Verständnis iwwer dem Hinman säin Zeegnes

Ripple Labs and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have reportedly come to an “understanding” on the Hinman deposition. Both parties have agreed to postpone the former SEC executive’s testimony after achieving “substantial progress in narrowing and resolving the privilege issues.” Previously, the court handling the Ripple vs. SEC case gave both parties […]

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Ripple ernannt de fréiere Mastercard Executive fir seng europäesch Operatiounen

A sengem weideren Effort fir an der Mainstream Maart Adoptioun ze wuessen, huet Ripple (XRP) d'Nominatioun vum Sendi Young als Managing Director vun hiren europäeschen Operatiounen ugekënnegt. Sendi bréngt iwwer 15 Joer Erfahrung am Fintech Secteur a global Bezuelungsléisung fir "d'Strategie z'iwwerwaachen an d'Expansioun vun der globaler Finanznetzwierktechnologie vu Ripple ze bekämpfen, [...]

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Ripple Records Mënzbewegungen als XRP Versuergung fir Huobi Drops

Whale Alert DLT, an analytics company tracking large cryptocurrency transactions in the crypto space, has highlighted large Ripple (XRP) movements over the past 24 hours. Their report shows that over 282 million XRP has exchanged hands across prominent exchanges. Meanwhile, Whale Alert noted that Ripple moved 127.6 million XRP (over $107 million) in two tranches. […]

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Ripple fir Federéiert Sidechains an XRP Ledger z'integréieren

Cryptocurrency provider Ripple has just released a proposal to integrate Federated Sidechains into the XRP Ledger (XRPL). The goal behind this undertaking is for each sidechain to operate as an independent blockchain, thereby preserving the XRPL’s leanness and efficiency for cross-border payments. The CTO of Ripple, David Schwartz, noted that developers on the XRP network […]

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