
Монеро (XMR) баасы $ 216 каршылык деңгээлин сындырууга аракет кылып жатат

Monero (XMR) Price Analysis: March 27 Should the bears defend $216 price level, price may decline towards the support level of $185, $142 and $122.  Should the resistance level of $216 is broken upside, the price may increase to $250 and $293 resistance levels. Key Levels: Resistance Levels: $215, $250, $293 Support Levels: $185, $142, […]

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Монеро (XMR) баасы $ 216 каршылык деңгээлин көздөп жатат

Monero (XMR) Price Analysis: March 20 In case the resistance level of $216 is broken upside, the price may increase to $250 and $293 resistance levels. Should the bears defend $216 price level, price may decline towards the support level of $185, $142 and $122. Key Levels: Resistance Levels: $216, $250, $293 Support Levels: $185, […]

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Монеро (XMR) баасы $ 185 каршылык деңгээлинде чыгып жатат

Monero (XMR) Price Analysis: March 13 In case the resistance level of $185 holds, ranging movement may continue, below the current price level, support levels may be found at $142, $122 and $102.When the bulls break up the resistance level of $185, there may be an increase towards the resistance level of $216 and $250. […]

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Монеро (XMR) баасы: Букалар бааны көтөрүү үчүн күч топтоп жатышат

Монеро (XMR) Баанын анализи: 27-февраль 185 доллар каршылык деңгээли тескери кирип кетиши мүмкүн жана 216 жана 250 доллар каршылык деңгээли максаттуу болушу мүмкүн. $ 185 каршылык деъгээлин сындыра албашы $ 142, $ 122 жана $ 102 колдоо деңгээлине карай баанын андан ары төмөндөшүнө алып келиши мүмкүн. Негизги деңгээлдер: Каршылык көрсөтүү деңгээли: […]

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Monero (XMR) баасы 142 доллар деңгээлинде өсүш тенденциясы башталганга чейин сыналышы мүмкүн

Monero (XMR) Price Analysis: February 20 When the bears break down the support level of $142, there may be a decrease towards the support level of $122 and $102. In case the support level of $142 holds, bulls may gain more pressure and the price will increase towards the resistance levels of $185, $216 and […]

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Монеро (XMR) Баасы: Колдоо деңгээли 136 долларды түзөт, Bullish Trend Triggers

Monero (XMR) Price Analysis: February 06 Should the resistance level of $179 is penetrated, the price will increase towards the resistance levels of $220 and $249. When the bears interrupt the price increase, there may be a decrease towards the support level of $161, $136 and $111. Key Levels: Resistance Levels: $179, $220, $249 Support […]

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Монеро (XMR) баасы Потенциалдуу Букалык Reversal деңгээлин сынап жатат

Monero (XMR) Price Analysis: January 30 Should the support level of $136 holds, the price will increase towards the resistance levels of $161, $179 and $220. When the bears increase their pressure, there may be a decrease towards the support level of $131, $111 and $97 Key Levels: Resistance Levels: $161, $179, $220 Support Levels: […]

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Монеро (XMR) баасы өткөн жылы төмөн багытталган; $111 Колдоо деңгээли

Monero (XMR) Price Analysis: January 23 When the bears defend the support level of $136, there may be an increase towards the resistance level of $161, $179 and $220. However, the relative strength index period 14 is at 30 levels with the signal line displaying bearish direction. Key Levels: Resistance Levels: $161, $179, $220 Support […]

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Монеро (XMR) Баасы: $ 180 Колдоо деңгээли сакталат, Bullish Reversal башталышы мүмкүн  

Monero (XMR) Price Analysis: December 26 When the bulls break up the resistance level of $213, there may be an increase towards the resistance level of $244 and $281. In case the bears increase their momentum, the support level of $180 may be penetrated downside, which may decrease the price to low of $161 and […]

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