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EURCHF fer inn í fjölbreyttan áfanga til að safna skriðþunga

EURCHF Greining – 11. október EURCHF fer inn í vítt og breyttan áfanga þar sem kaupendur markaðarins eru að reyna að safna skriðþunga til að rísa upp úr þunglyndi. Kaupendur hafa verið árangurslausir við að koma í veg fyrir að gjaldmiðlaparið lækki niður í metlágmark. Hins vegar, þar sem seljendur eru að draga andann, nýta kaupendur […]

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Kaupendur EURCHF ná yfirráðum yfir markaðnum

EURCHF greining – 4. október EURCHF Kaupendur hafa náð yfirráðum yfir markaðnum. Þetta er enn ein tilraun kaupenda til að koma verðinu aftur upp á virðulegt lykilstig. Þetta er ekki í fyrsta skipti sem reynt er að dæla markaðnum. Hins vegar virðist þessi tilraun öðruvísi einfaldlega vegna þess að núverandi par hefur verið […]

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EURCHF veikist og steypist í nýtt dýpi

EURCHF Greining – 27. september EURCHF veikist og sýgur á nýtt dýpi. Kaupendur hafa verið að reyna að hækka verðið að undanförnu og hafa því keyrt gegn báru þróuninni. Þessi dagskrá var aðeins eins vel og viðnámsstigið 0.97200. Eftir að hafa mistekist að komast framhjá þessu stigi veikist markaðurinn og […]

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EURCHFFights Back to Hold yfir 0.97200 Critical Level

EURCHF Analysis – September 6 EURCHF fights back to rise and hold above the 0.97200 critical level. Towards the end of last month, the market was condemned to its lowest ever price level. This has, at the very least, stirred up the buyers to redeem themselves. As a result, from the 23rd of August, the […]

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EURCHF lækkar í lægsta stigi. Hvað næst?

EURCHF Analysis – August 23 EURCHF dips to its lowest level ever, which is just a marginal distance from its previous all-time low at 0.96140. It happened after the sellers maintained their aggression to shrug off attempts by the buyers to balance the market. There is now a temporary stop at the new lowest level […]

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EURCHF seljendur ná aftur tökum á markaðnum

EURCHF Analysis – August 9 EURCHF sellers have regained mastery of the market. They do this by forcing the market into a downward motion from the significant resistance level of 1.04960. A double top reversal pattern was employed to spark a reversal at that resistance level. Hence, the buyers’ influence in the market has since […]

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EURCHF er á leiðinni til að ná lægsta stigi

EURCHF Analysis – August 2 EURCHF is on course to drop to its lowest ever level. The price broke out of an ascending channel on the 16th of June, and since then, the bears have defended the market from all bullish interference. As a result, the market proceeded downward, dipping through several key levels to […]

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EURCHF kaupmenn eru andvígir þrátt fyrir bullish vísbendingar

EURCHF Analysis – May 31 EURCHF buy traders are opposed despite bullish indication to the 1.04880 key zone. The opening of Kiwi suggests the presence of sellers attempting to fill in price gaps as quickly as possible. There has persistently been selling involvement in the significant zone located at 1.02290. Since the price fell from […]

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