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GBPJPY er læst í samþjöppun þar sem kaupendur neita að gefa eftir

GBPJPY Analysis – August 5 GBPJPY is locked in consolidation as both buyers and sellers refuse to shift ground. The sellers were set to dominate the market when they increased pressure on the strong 159.680 support at the end of April. The pressure was such that it drilled downward utilizing a triangle pattern. By May […]

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GBPJPY Markaðsþróun er áfram bullandi

GBPJPY Analysis – July 29 GBPJPY market trend remains bullish as it retested the 156.30 support. Since March 18th, 2020, the market has been bullish. Between February 22nd, 2021 and March 16th, 2022, the upward trend was halted, and during the break, the market was stuck between two major levels: 149.10 and 156.30. GBPJPY Major […]

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GBPJPY heldur áfram hækkun markaðarins eftir endurtekningu

GBPJPY Analysis – July 22 GBPJPY continues the market’s upward trend after a retracement. Prices ranged between the two significant zones of 155.700 and 148.700 until a true breakout in March. The breakout in March drove them towards the supply zone at 168.200. After GBPJPY hit its all-time high of 168.200 this year, prices crashed […]

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GBPJPY heldur áfram markaðsþróuninni í uppleið

GBPJPY Analysis – July 15 GBPJPY resumes the market trend upward from the 157.800 demand zone. The GBPJPY market was trending upward until February 24, 2021, when bulls drove the price past the previous resistance level. Following this breakout, the market’s prices began to struggle between two major levels. GBPJPY Major Levels Resistance Level: 168.430, […]

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GBPJPY Verð er að safna niður söluþrýstingi

GBPJPY Greining - 24. júní GBPJPY verð safnar sölukrafti aftur í 159.970 mikilvæga stigið. Kaupkaupmenn hafa nýlega verið undirokaðir vegna mikils söluáhrifa söluaðilanna. Birnakaupmenn hafa nú áhrif á GBPJPY verðið þar sem kaupendur hafa verið undirokaðir undanfarið. Kaupmenn ættu því að gefa gaum að […]

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GBPJPY markaður stefnir aftur í sterka mótstöðustigið 163.020

GBPJPY greining - 27. maí GBPJPY markaður stefnir aftur í sterka mótstöðustigið 163.020. Stöðug afstaða er sífellt nær því að ná þessu markverða stigi. Seljendahreyfingin hafði nýlega breytt verðsamsetningunni sem hafði áhrif á kaupendahreyfinguna. Um leið og kaupendur fóru að leggja inn pantanir […]

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Bearish áhrif 162.000 munu skapa fleiri sölutækifæri á GBPJPY

GBPJPY Analysis – May 20 The bearish impact of the 162.000 key level will provide more selling opportunities for sell traders. The bulls have conceded defeat by failing to push the tendency of GBPJPY value far above the 162.000 key zone. After the candlestick pulled through this structure, the selling pressure plunged the currency pair […]

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Bearish áhrif 162.000 munu skapa fleiri sölutækifæri á GBPJPY

GBPJPY Analysis – May 20 The bearish impact of the 162.000 key level will provide more selling opportunities for sell traders. The bulls have conceded defeat by failing to push the tendency of GBPJPY value far above the 162.000 key zone. After the candlestick pulled through this structure, the selling pressure plunged the currency pair […]

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GBPJPY Verð heldur áfram að bráðna í bearish framboði

GBPJPY Greining - 13. maí GBPJPY verðaðgerðir virðast vera gagnteknar af bearish viðhorfi. Það hefur alltaf verið veruleg lækkun á parinu þar sem styrkur dollars heldur áfram að minnka. GPJPY seljendur eru því að taka verðpöntunina til baka til að fylla upp í öll tóm sem verða til vegna verðviðhorfa í […]

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