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Ripple vs SEC: Amici Curiae kemur í brennidepli þegar SEC berst við að fela viðkvæmar upplýsingar

Ripple (XRP) traded at the mercy of the broader market sentiment over the past few days amid the unavailability of updates from the ongoing US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) vs. Ripple case. Since last Thursday, the Ripple community has availed a court order ruling on recent claims by the SEC that all controversial Hinman […]

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Ripple vs. SEC: Ripple sakaði SEC um að veita ófullnægjandi svör við RFA spurningu

Ripple Labs (XRP) continues to bring the heat in its ongoing lawsuit against the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) after filling a letter supporting its claims that the SEC intentionally provided inaccurate responses to its Fourth Set of Requests for Admissions (RFA). The latest development was shared by Ripple community attorney James Filan via […]

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Ripple gefur út 1 milljarð XRP í Escrow veski þar sem XRP er áfram í hliðarmynstri

Ripple (XRP) hefur átt viðskipti undir gífurlegum þrýstingi síðan í desember 2020 eftir málsókn SEC. Þrátt fyrir þetta hefur XRP tekist að vera í efstu tíu dulmálsröðinni og slá líkurnar á. Blockchain fyrirtækið á bak við XRP hefur gefið út 1 milljarð tákn í áætlunarútgáfu sinni. Fyrirtækið gaf út táknin í tveimur áföngum […]

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Ripple vs. SEC: Framkvæmdastjórnin leggur til framlengingu á andmælum gegn Amici beiðni Deaton

A verdict on the ongoing Ripple vs. SEC might be delayed even further after the Securities and Exchange Commission requested an extension to file an objection to an ‘Amici’ request filed by Ripply community attorney John Deaton. Deaton currently seeks to represent 67,300 XRP holders in the unraveling legal battle between Ripple Labs and the […]

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Gára lækkar í 0.4000 $ Lágt í markaðsviðskiptum

Ripple (XRP) hefur orðið fyrir miklum áföllum undanfarna viku þar sem sölubylgjur herja á dulritunarmarkaðinn. Heildarvirði dulritunarmarkaðarins hefur lækkað um meira en 23% síðan 4. maí, þegar það fór hæst í 1.8 billjónir dala. Árásargjarn bearish viðhorf á markaðnum kom eftir að bandaríski seðlabankinn tilkynnti um haukískari peningamála […]

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Ripple vs SEC málsókn: Pro-Ripple Attorney Deaton State Reason for Support

The ongoing Ripple (XRP) vs. the US Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)lawsuit has been one of the most controversial cases in cryptocurrency history. Ripple supporters have stood unshaken behind the payments company throughout the case since December 2020, with many believing that the lawsuit will end as abruptly as it began and in favor of […]

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Ripple skorar annan sigur gegn SEC þar sem dómari neitar vernd Hinman ræðu

Ripple Labs has scored another victory, one of its most significant wins so far, against the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in its ongoing lawsuit. The presiding judge on the case denied the Commission’s decision to protect important material relating to the lawsuit. Ripple community lawyers have called the latest development “a very big […]

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Ripple tryggir sér annan lítinn vinning gegn SEC þegar Bull Market skilar sér

Defense attorney James K. Filan, familiar with the Ripple vs. US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) lawsuit, recently tweeted that the defendant has bagged another small victory against the SEC after receiving a time extension on the motion filed with the court last week. Filan tweeted on Monday that the San Francisco-based payments company has […]

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