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Cardano Verð skoppar af $0.709 stig

Cardano Verð skoppar af $0.709 stig

Cardano skráir gríðarlegan netvöxt þrátt fyrir viðvarandi hrun á dulritunarmarkaði

Cardano (ADA) continues to record notable network growth since its Alonzo upgrade in September 2021. Recent reports show that the network added over 2,000 new holders every day for the last 30 days. The notable network growth is measured by examining new features and updates, as well as buyer interest. Data from Cardano Blockchain Insights […]

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Stofnandi Cardano leggur áherslu á nýja eiginleika og viðbætur við nýjustu ADA netuppfærsluna

On Tuesday, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson took to his YouTube channel to explain to his followers how the upcoming network update would make Cardano much more efficient after the “Vasil” hard fork. At the start of his video, Hoskinson revealed that he was preparing for the forthcoming Consensus 2022, set to occur in Austin, Texas, […]

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Cardano hefur yfir 500 verkefni sem byggja á því: IOHK framkvæmdastjóri

The Marketing and Communications Director of IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong), Tim Harrison, recently announced that Cardano (ADA) has been attracting a significant amount of interest, since its smart contract capability upgrade. Last September, the network implemented a mainnet upgrade (Alonzo) that allowed it to offer smart contract functionality to users, which was part of […]

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Cardano metur gríðarlegan netvöxt árið 2021 þar sem ADA veski hækkar um 1,200% YTD

The Cardano (ADA) blockchain recorded a significant growth this year, which is observable from the boom recorded in the total number of wallets holding ADA. According to new data from Cardano Foundation, the ADA wallet count has grown by over 1,200% in a year, from 190K wallets in Christmas 2020 to 2.5 million wallets today. […]

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Cardano viðheldur bearish skriðþunga síðan Alonzo Mainnet hófst

Þrátt fyrir fyrri málverk af methæðum af öðrum efstu dulritunargjaldmiðlum, heldur Cardano (ADA) áfram að berjast við að taka upp veruleg bullish skref, þrátt fyrir nýlega innleiðingu á samhæfni Smart Contracts á netinu. Þann 2. september prentaði ADA nýtt met, eða 3.160 dollara, sem færði markaðsvirði þess nærri því að fara yfir 100 milljarða dollara markið. Hins vegar er […]

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