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JPMorgan strategistar vara við því að Bitcoin gæti tapað bullandi gufu ef $ 40 verður ekki endurheimt fljótlega

According to a recent report by Bloomberg, JPMorgan Chase & Co strategists, led by Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, have cited that Bitcoin (BTC) has to reclaim the $40k level soon or risks losing its bullish momentum and trend-following investors. The team added that the pattern of demand for BTC futures and the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) could […]

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BITCOIN prentar hærra lágmark eftir að hafa lækkað meira en 15%

  After breaking with the mid term bullish structure we retraced back 61.8% of last week’s range and printed a new fresh higher low.Price is trading inside of a bullish flag and a break of the flag could catapult price to retest the structure highs at around the 37750 level which confluences with the 1.618% […]

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Gráskala skýrslur mettölur á fjórða ársfjórðungi 4 þökk sé Bitcoin fjárfestum

Grayscale recorded its best year in 2020 yet with massive allocations, mostly from institutional investors, despite the dramatic events that plagued that year. The cryptocurrency investment fund posted record-breaking numbers in the first three quarters of 2020 and profoundly better reports in Q4. The firm reported that the total investments in the last three months […]

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Bitcoin rennur um $ 3k sem Bulls sjá mikla gjaldþrotaskipti

The cryptocurrency industry is taking no breaks in its erratic moves. The past few weeks are testimony to this fact. Over the past few hours, Bitcoin (BTC)—and many altcoins—have recorded yet another erratic session, leading to significant liquidation across the board. Reports show that about $400 million worth of both long and short positions have […]

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Bitcoin dregur aftur að innan fána að lykilstigi

Bitcoin has rallied more than 32% since it bounced from the $32,000 level on Monday all trading inside of a very structured move. We have pulled back to the previous broken level inside of a bullish flag printing massive hidden bullish divergence on the way. Should this flag breakout we could see BTC rally to […]

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Skortur á Bitcoin: eToro varar notendur við yfirvofandi truflunum í dulritunarviðskiptum

eToro, on the largest trading platform, recently notified its users that there could be disruptions in their cryptocurrency trading services due to extreme demand. The exchange went on to explain that it was experiencing “unprecedented conditions on crypto markets,” as Bitcoin (BTC) prices and the cryptocurrency market cap are close to their highest levels in […]

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Bitcoin þarf meiri stofnanafjárfestingu: Goldman Sachs framkvæmdastjóri

Þrátt fyrir að efla stofnanafjárfestagrunn Bitcoin (BTC) hafi safnast saman, tók Wall Street sérfræðingur, Jeff Curie, fram að markaðurinn væri enn í verulegri þörf fyrir stofnanafjárfestingar til að styðja við stöðugleika sinn. Yfirmaður hrávörurannsókna hjá Goldman Sachs sagði skoðun sína í nýlegu viðtali við CNBC. Áður fyrr voru mörg fyrirtæki […]

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JPMorgan varar við því að BTC ETF samþykki gæti haft neikvæð áhrif á verð Bitcoin

Strategists hjá JPMorgan Chase & Co hafa gert viðvart um að samþykki Bitcoin-gengisviðskiptasjóðs (ETF) í Bandaríkjunum gæti haft skelfilegar afleiðingar á skammtímaverðsaðgerðir Bitcoin (BTC). Fyrirhuguð ástæða fyrir verðlækkuninni er sú að samþykkt ETF gæti orðið mikil samkeppni um stofnanafjárfestingu fyrir stærstu viðskipti heimsins […]

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