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Ripple mantense a pesar das importantes transaccións de baleas para intercambiar carteiras

According to reports, Ripple (XRP) recorded some massive coin movements just a few hours before its current recovery. At the time of the transactions, XRP traded at $0.8000. According to, the value of the transactions summed up to $76 million. The first and largest transaction saw 40 million XRP (Worth $32 million at the […]

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Os nodos Ripple non se sincronizan a medida que a rede se ve desbordada polas transaccións da liña de confianza

Tras un recente problema de rede, volveuse máis apremiante para que Ripple implemente melloras na súa "Trust Line" no XRP Ledger (XRPL). Onte, dous nodos XRP operados por Ripple, "s1 e s2", romperon a sincronización coa rede. O descanso durou máis de cinco horas, con usuarios de carteiras sen custodia como Xuum e [...]

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Ripple vs SEC: Brad Garlinghouse espera que a demanda remate o próximo ano

O CEO de Ripple (XRP), Brad Garlinghouse, expresou recentemente o seu optimismo sobre a demanda en curso de XRP contra SEC, sinalando que espera que o caso finalice o próximo ano. Garlinghouse fixo os comentarios nunha entrevista con CNBC o luns. Elaborando a súa proxección cronolóxica para a demanda, o conselleiro delegado sinalou que: "Estamos a ver un progreso bastante bo a pesar dun […]

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Ripple publica unha recomendación reguladora para a industria criptográfica

Following in the footsteps of Coinbase, Ripple (XRP) published a proposal for a regulatory framework for cryptocurrency dubbed “A Real Approach to Cryptocurrency Regulation” yesterday. The company explained that the proposal was its “vision for how existing financial regulatory frameworks can be used to advance innovation and enhance consumer and market protections,” elaborating that: “Today, […]

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Ripple para lanzar un servizo centrado na empresa xa que XRP retoma o Top de 10 semanas

Ripple (XRP) has taken a step further into creating more innovative crypto products as the company prepares to launch a new product to provide institutional customers with digital assets services. According to Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse, the new enterprise-focused service, dubbed Liquidity Hub, would launch next year. Once the product goes live, institutions will have […]

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Demanda de Ripple contra SEC nun mellor camiño do previsto: o xefe de Coinbase

Commenting on the ongoing legal battle between Ripple Labs and the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong noted that the case appears to be on a better track than anticipated. Citing a Forbes article titled “The crypto uprising the SEC didn’t see coming,” the Coinbase boss tweeted on Monday that: “The Ripple […]

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Ripple contra SEC: Ripple argumenta contra a solicitude de extensión de descubrimento experto de SEC, prexuízo de berros

In the latest development on the ongoing Ripple Labs vs. SEC lawsuit, Ripple has filed an opposition to the SEC’s letter requesting a two-month extension on the Court-ordered expert discovery deadline, which would drag the case into 2022. The defendant noted that while it agreed on the deadline for rebuttal expert reports to November 12, […]

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Ripple colabora con Nelnet para crear un fondo de investimento para financiar proxectos redutores de carbono

One of the top enterprise blockchain and cryptocurrency solutions, Ripple (XRP), recently announced a partnership with Nelnet Renewable Energy through a $44 million joint investment. The official press release noted that Ripple provided a higher share of the investment. The investment would finance solar energy projects across the US as a show of support for […]

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