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USDJPY rompe a barreira de resistencia 152.0

USDJPY rompe a barreira de resistencia 152.0

Os compradores USDJPY loitan por manter o prezo elevado

USDJPY Analysis – December 8 USDJPY buyers are fighting to keep the price on its uptrend. The market has enjoyed a tremendous period of bullish activity. However, indications show that the bullish regime might be coming to an end. The market rally started on March 11 when the USD/JPY broke beyond the 116.120 key level. […]

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USDJPY achégase ao bloque de pedidos alcistas diarios

USDJPY Analysis – December 1 USDJPY approaches the daily bullish order block earnestly from the diagonal resistance. Following the fake-out at the diagonal resistance, the price has been depreciating. However, it appears that the bulls have already built their buy orders above the 130.400 demand zone. USDJPY Significant Zones Demand Zones: 130.400, 126.400Supply Zones: 145.100, […]

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O par USD/JPY cae en picado seguindo os comentarios de Powells

O par USD/JPY caeu uns 420 puntos entre as sesións asiática e estadounidense do xoves, destacando a súa vulnerabilidade aos datos estadounidenses e ao índice do dólar (DXY). Tras o discurso de onte á noite do presidente da Reserva Federal, Jerome Powell, o descenso gañou impulso e persistiu durante a sesión asiática xa que o responsable das políticas do Banco de Xapón Asahi [...]

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Os compradores USDJPY prepáranse para a entrada ao redor do soporte diagonal

USDJPY Analysis – November 24 USDJPY buyers prepare for entry around the diagonal support. Amidst the USDJPY buyers’ dominance in the market, the USDJPY sellers were successfully able to find a proper entry at a major level in the market. However, the bearish season seems to be coming to an end as the price approaches […]

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Os compradores USDJPY finalmente retoman a tendencia alcista a partir dun desconto

USDJPY Analysis – November 17 USDJPY buyers finally resume the uptrend after a discount. Up until late October this year, USDJPY buyers had been in absolute control of the market. Though the market’s order flow is still bullish, the USDJPY sellers have been having a nice moment in this current phase. USDJPY Significant Zones Demand […]

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Os osos USDJPY finalmente tomaron o control do mercado

USDJPY Analysis – November 10 USDJPY bears finally dominate the market as price heads into the discount zone. The market had been extremely bullish for a very long time, until recently, when the bears decided to take over. USDJPY Significant Zones Demand Zones: 140.30, 130.40Supply Zones: 148.80, 151.90 USDJPY Long-term Trend: Bullish Amidst the bullishness […]

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Par USD/JPY nun momento turbulento o mércores por diante do IPC estadounidense

O par USD/JPY experimentou algunhas compras preto de 145.15 e rexistrou un respetable regreso desde o mínimo de case dúas semanas que alcanzou a principios deste mércores. A principios da sesión norteamericana, o aumento intradía gañou impulso e impulsou unha renovada demanda do dólar estadounidense, o que levou os prezos spot a un novo máximo diario máis preto de mediados dos 146.00s. Mentres o Federal [...]

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Os compradores USDJPY saen do mercado ao nivel de retroceso do 100%.

USDJPY Analysis – November 3 USDJPY buyers exit the market at the 100% retracement level. Before this correction phase, the USDJPY buyers had been consistently driving prices to the upside in fractals. Now the USDJPY buyers are waiting for the price to retrace into the bullish order block at the 50% Fibonacci retracement level or […]

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Os compradores USDJPY seguen subindo o prezo ao alza

Análise USDJPY - 20 de outubro Os compradores do USDJPY seguen subindo o prezo á alza. O mercado parece inseguro para os vendedores do USDJPY xa que os compradores mantén os prezos alcistas sen descanso. Desde que o prezo alcanzou o soporte en 131.20, o rápido aumento do USD fronte ao ien non se corrixiu. Prever o alto do mercado foi difícil [...]

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