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O EURCHF sobe a medida que os compradores reúnen por debaixo do nivel clave de 1.02000

EURCHF Analysis – May 24 EURCHF price rises as a result of buyers placing a buy order below the 1.02200 market zone where there happens to be less selling significance. As a result of the interest shown by both parties in the price structure, there have been several shifts in the structure of the prices. […]

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O prezo do EURCHF está subindo debido ao rexeitamento bajista

EURCHF Analysis – May 17 EURCHF price is pacing upward due to bearish rejection at the 1.03800 market zone. The Swissy market is potentially gaining more bullish strength. The price daily outlook shows that we should expect a bullish inclination upward to the 1.06190 key zone of the pair. The sellers have dangerously held buyers […]

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Os comerciantes de compra de EURCHF están reunindo inclinacións alcistas nun nivel crucial

Análise EURCHF - 3 de maio. Os comerciantes de compra de EURCHF están reunindo inclinacións alcistas na zona crucial 1.04010. Os compradores están a poñer un premio na tendencia dos prezos do mercado que avanza no nivel clave. Cando o mercado alcance a zona clave alcista en 1.04010, é probable que o impulso do arranxo se desacelere. Como […]

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EURCHF prepárase para unha maior presión de venda

EURCHF Analysis – April 26 EURCHF is bracing for more selling pressure in the market. The bears are now heavily dominating the price to follow the bearish moments in the EURCHF market. Furthermore, the value of the EURCHF price is also being driven to decrease as the selling pressure continues to develop in the market. […]

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O prezo do EURCHF está reaccionando a niveis significativos do mercado

EURCHF Analysis – April 19 EURCHF price is reacting to the 1.02000 market zone. EURCHF prospects have tested the price level, having responded to it multiple times. The sellers in the EURCHF market are now influencing the price trend. However, this resulted in the market’s downturn. With increasing sellers’ pressure, the price trend will continue […]

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O prezo do EURCHF prepárase para un impacto no nivel de apoio

Análise de prezos do EURCHF: 5 de marzo. O prezo do EURCHF prepárase para un impacto no nivel crítico de 0.99670 do mercado. Os vendedores están a manipular o prezo ao seu alcance. Isto deu espazo para un impacto máis baixista no mercado. A pesar de compartir o mesmo terreo de xogo na acción dos prezos, os touros non son tan [...]

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Os touros do EURCHF consideran un movemento alcista no mercado

EURCHF Price Analysis – March 29 EURCHF bulls consider upward movement to the market’s significant 1.06040. Therefore, the buyers in the market are making plans to put bearish moments on hold, thereby pushing price activity upward. The bulls came into view after a drawdown by the sellers to the 0.99720 significant level. However, with enough […]

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