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Cardano rexistra un crecemento masivo da rede a pesar da caída do mercado criptográfico persistente

Cardano (ADA) continues to record notable network growth since its Alonzo upgrade in September 2021. Recent reports show that the network added over 2,000 new holders every day for the last 30 days. The notable network growth is measured by examining new features and updates, as well as buyer interest. Data from Cardano Blockchain Insights […]

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O fundador de Cardano destaca as novas funcións e adicións da última actualización da rede ADA

On Tuesday, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson took to his YouTube channel to explain to his followers how the upcoming network update would make Cardano much more efficient after the “Vasil” hard fork. At the start of his video, Hoskinson revealed that he was preparing for the forthcoming Consensus 2022, set to occur in Austin, Texas, […]

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Cardano ten máis de 500 proxectos baseados nel: Executivo de IOHK

The Marketing and Communications Director of IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong), Tim Harrison, recently announced that Cardano (ADA) has been attracting a significant amount of interest, since its smart contract capability upgrade. Last September, the network implemented a mainnet upgrade (Alonzo) that allowed it to offer smart contract functionality to users, which was part of […]

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Cardano rexistra un crecemento masivo da rede en 2021 mentres as carteiras ADA aumentan un 1,200 % desde o ano pasado

The Cardano (ADA) blockchain recorded a significant growth this year, which is observable from the boom recorded in the total number of wallets holding ADA. According to new data from Cardano Foundation, the ADA wallet count has grown by over 1,200% in a year, from 190K wallets in Christmas 2020 to 2.5 million wallets today. […]

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Cardano mantén un impulso bajista desde o lanzamento da rede principal de Alonzo

A pesar das pinturas anteriores de máximos históricos doutras criptomoedas principais, Cardano (ADA) segue loitando para rexistrar avances alcistas significativos, a pesar da recente implementación da compatibilidade de Smart Contracts na rede. O 2 de setembro, ADA rexistrou un novo récord de 3.160 dólares, o que achegou a súa valoración de mercado a superar os 100 millóns de dólares. Non obstante, o […]

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