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Os compradores de AUDJPY están preparados para máis subidas alcistas

AUDJPY Analysis – 15th August AUDJPY buyers are ready for a more bullish hike above the 95.750 key zone. The market is presently held down by the buy traders, so more buying activity is therefore expected to play out. The recent price action on the AUDJPY has confirmed further bullish movement. The buy traders have […]

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Os vendedores de AUDJPY opóñense á tendencia de compra en todo o mercado

AUDJPY Analysis – August 8 AUDJPY sellers are opposing the buying tendency across the market. The buying moment across the AUDJPY shows that there has been recent opposition by the sell traders. Traders across the AUDJPY market already expected buying orders to begin to overwhelm the price. However, there have been several pullbacks, holding the […]

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AUDJPY O movemento de tendencia á baixa ten como obxectivo alcanzar o límite inferior da canle

AUDJPY Analysis – August 1 AUDJPY downtrend movement aims to hit the lower channel boundary. The AUDJPY strength has never been in doubt recently as the sellers have been engaging in price action towards the lower trend line. This implies that we should anticipate a downward motion, and the price will certainly break through the […]

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Os vendedores de AUDJPY piden un abastecemento máis baixista

AUDJPY Analysis – July 25 AUDJPY Sellers call for a more bearish supply to 91.0100 key zone. There has been a call for more bearish supply down to the 91.0100 key zone since buyers have been neutralized lately. Bearish expectations will therefore be on display in the AUDJPY market. The buyers bought price orders from […]

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Os compradores de AUDJPY teñen máis posibilidades de influír no par de AUDJPY

AUDJPY Price Analysis: July 17 AUDJPY buyers have more prospects to swing price to 96.740 key level. However, this is due to buyers’ ability to currently influence the overall price tendency. After several bearish scenes, the buy traders have staged up the market action to project back to the 96.740 key zone. The daily chart […]

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AUDJPY O impulso dos prezos cesa a medida que se desenvolve a consolidación

Análise de prezos do AUDJPY: o 11 de xullo o impulso dos prezos do AUDJPY cesa a medida que se desenvolve a consolidación. O impulso dos prezos foi ao redor do nivel de sinal 0.00 na forza do indicador de impulso. Non obstante, isto demostra que a perspectiva do mercado causou varios reveses. Ambas perspectivas non quixeron provocar un cambio na dirección da tendencia do mercado. […]

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AUDJPY Impacto de venda establecido para o prezo comercial máis baixo

Análise AUDJPY - 4 de xullo O impacto da venda de AUDJPY está establecido para que a actividade de prezos comerciais sexa inferior ao nivel clave 90.700. Os comerciantes están decididos a desaloxar o movemento do mercado debido á forza bajista que gaña máis impulso. Houbo algúns indicios de incerteza de prezos recentemente antes de que os vendedores finalmente tomaran medidas. Os vendedores están causando un […]

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AUDJPY ten máis tendencia ao movemento á baixa

AUDJPY Analysis – June 27 AUDJPY has more tendency for downside movement if it breaks out from its current consolidation. The price is skewed to the lower part of the consolidation. Therefore, the price crashes several times to the support level at 92.930 rather than testing the resistance at 92.620. AUDJPY Significant Levels Resistance Levels: […]

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Os touros AUDJPY mostran debilidade no nivel clave de 96.800

AUDJPY Analysis – June 13 AUDJPY bulls show weakness at the 96.800 critical level, and the market has plunged as a result. After struggling below the 91.120 significant price level, AUDJPY broke out by using an ascending triangle pattern. The market surged strongly upwards, breaking several barriers, till it rose to the 95.800 price level. […]

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