Saioa hasi

Coinbase SEC beste azterketa baten menpe dago erregistratu gabeko baloreak jaulkitzeagatik

Arauzko azterketaren beste sasoi batean, AEBetako Balore eta Truke Batzordeak (SEC) Coinbaseri leporatu dio bederatzi kripto aktiboen balore zerrendatzea. Arau-zaintzako arduradunak Coinbaseko langile ohi bati "baloreen legeen iruzurraren aurkako xedapenak" urratzea leporatu zion barneko merkataritzari buruz. Batzordeak bere kexa argitaratu zuen ostegunean, non bederatzi kripto zerrendatu zituen [...]

Irakurri gehiago

Gary Gensler-ek ikuspegi sinergikoa eskatzen du Crypto Industry CFTCrekin arautzeko

Gary Gensler AEBetako Balore eta Truke Batzordearen (SEC) presidenteak uste du kripto-moneta erregulazioak "arau liburu bat" izan beharko lukeela, joan den astean Financial Times-en txosten baten arabera. Gensler-ek Commodity Futures Trading Commission-ekin (CFTC) akordio bat lortzea espero du, erregulazioan sinergia sortzeko eta gainbegiratzean hutsuneak saihesteko. SECko buruzagiak honakoa esan zuen: [...]

Irakurri gehiago

Ripple vs SEC: Amici Curiae zentratzen da SEC-ek informazio sentikorra ezkutatzeko borrokan

Ripple (XRP) traded at the mercy of the broader market sentiment over the past few days amid the unavailability of updates from the ongoing US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) vs. Ripple case. Since last Thursday, the Ripple community has availed a court order ruling on recent claims by the SEC that all controversial Hinman […]

Irakurri gehiago

SECk Terraren eta USTCren jokabideari buruzko ikerketa abiarazten du maiatzaren istripua baino lehen

AEBetako Balore eta Truke Batzordeak (SEC) ikerketa bat abiatu du Terraform Labs eta bere Stablecoin algoritmikoko Terra Classic UST (USTC), Bloomberg-en txosten baten arabera. UST-k maiatza hasieran galdu zuen bere dolarraren parekoa, eta horrek merkatu osoko hondamendia eragin zuen Luna Classic (LUNC) kolapsoa eragin zuena. Bi USTC [...]

Irakurri gehiago

SECk Binanceri buruzko ikerketa abiarazten du ustezko baloreen legeen urraketagatik 2017an

Binance has come under regulatory scrutiny again, this time with the SEC. The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently launched an investigation on the behemoth cryptocurrency exchange to ascertain whether it violated securities laws with its BNB token initial coin offering (ICO) five years ago. The latest regulatory report was published by Bloomberg […]

Irakurri gehiago

SEC komisarioak uste du AEBek kriptoaren araudia okertu dutela

In a recent interview with CNBC, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Commissioner Hester Peirce noted that the US has “dropped the ball” on cryptocurrency regulation. The Commissioner is known for her support of the industry, which has earned her the nickname “crypto mom.” Peirce talked about the regulatory challenges in the crypto industry in the […]

Irakurri gehiago

SEC AEBetako legebiltzarkideek sutan jaso dute bere kripto "sorgin-ehiza"gatik

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has come under fire by US lawmakers for its obsession with crypto regulation enforcement. This critique comes after the regulatory watchdog announced that it had almost doubled the size of its cryptocurrency enforcement unit. On Tuesday, some lawmakers and SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce criticized the Commission for its […]

Irakurri gehiago

Ripple CEOk SECren aurkako auzia erreklamatzen du urtea amaitu baino lehen amaitzeko

The CEO of Ripple, Brad Garlinghouse, recently asserted that the ongoing lawsuit with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has neared its end, as he expects a resolution before the end of 2022. In an interview with Fox Business, Garlinghouse asserted that the legal battle with the regulatory watchdog has gone “quite well” […]

Irakurri gehiago
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