Saioa hasi

AUDJPY alderantziz ezarri da prezioa finkatzen jarraitzen duen heinean

AUDJPY Analisia - Urriaren 31 AUDJPY alderantzizkoa da prezioa sendotzen jarraitzen duen heinean. Momentuz ez da garapen berririk izan AUDJPY merkatuan. Horren ordez, erosleek eta saltzaileek alde irauli egin dute prezioak 95.8470 eta 91.850 maila psikologikoen artean jarraitzen baitute. Erosleei ematen zaie [...]

Irakurri gehiago

AUDJPY Prezioak erosteko sentimenduari erreakzionatzen dio

AUDJPY Analysis- October 24 AUDJPY price reacts to buying sentiment as the market is open for buying recovery. The buy traders are currently charged with extending buying diplomacy back to a significant level of 97.040. The buying opportunity is currently open as the Parabolic SAR (Stop & Reverse) indicators show buyers’ engagement leaping forward. Traders […]

Irakurri gehiago

AUDJPY indar eragilea baxuagoa da merkataritza

AUDJPY Analysis- October 10 AUDJPY driving force is trading lower in the market, and the sellers are the ones in charge of the wheel. The bears are subjecting the price at the moment to a downtrend after going awry upon the price’s arrival at the 96.100 significant zone. The sellers are therefore aiming to cause […]

Irakurri gehiago

AUDJPY Saltzaileek epe luzerako joeraren proiekzioa bilatzen dute

AUDJPY Analisia - Urriaren 3a AUDJPY saltzaileek epe luzerako aurreikuspenak bilatzen dituzte, merkatariak salmenta une gehiagotarako kokatuta daudelako. Saltzaileek beheranzko mugimendu nabarmena egiten ari dira, salmenta-presioa oraindik prezioaren isuri handia eragiten ari baita oraingo fasean. Salmenta-joera koherentea izan da kontsolidazio-eremuan […]

Irakurri gehiago

AUDJPY Saltzaileek borroka egiten dute gaur egun prezioa 96.620 gako gunearen azpitik arintzen baita

Market Analysis – AUDJPY Sellers Fight Back as the Price Breaks Back to the 96.620 Key Zone AUDJPY sellers fight back as the price is currently relieved below the 96.620 key zone. The bull market was seen to have made a relapse following its short surge in price. Traders had hoped that the buyers would […]

Irakurri gehiago

AUDJPY Beheranzko joeraren eraketa kapitalizatzen ari da

AUDJPY Analysis – Market is Capitalizing on Downtrend Formation AUDJPY is capitalizing on the downtrend formation. The market is primarily determined to sink downward following buyers’ struggle to reach the 95.810 key zone. The new week has already begun, and we anticipate enclosures for sale in the market phase. Since the sellers are now setting […]

Irakurri gehiago
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