Saioa hasi

ETH ikertzaileak Dogecoin datu garrantzitsuak agerian utzi ditu

Alex Valaitis, the owner of W3T and former Ethereum researcher, discusses the basics of Dogecoin and scalability cases in a series of tweets. Valaitis mentions that 10,000 dogecoins are created every minute. According to Alex Valaitis, five billion new Dogecoins are mined annually. He claims over two thousand merchants, including the Dallas Mavericks basketball team, […]

Irakurri gehiago

Elon Musk-ek Dogecoin iragarri du lurrin produktu berrien ordainketa-bide gisa

The Boring Company, Elon Musk’s underground tunnelling company, has broadened its scope with the launch of its own perfume. The company has announced to their potential customers that they could make payments for their new product with Dogecoin. DOGEUSD rose by 3% after the announcement was made known via Twitter. Elon Musk’s recent involvement with […]

Irakurri gehiago

Dogecoin-ek eToro-ko erabiltzaileek dituzten kriptoen bost zerrenda nagusia egiten du

Dogecoin makes the top five list of cryptos held by users of eToro. The social trading company with about 28.5 million registered users has published its 3rd quarterly report for the year 2022. Among the statistics studied and published were the top cryptos held by eToro users. Dogecoin ranked fifth for the third time in […]

Irakurri gehiago

Musk-ek Dogecoin-en laguntza berresten du, Meme Token Shilling-en auzia aurre egin arren

Controversial billionaire and entrepreneur Elon Musk reaffirmed his support for Dogecoin (DOGE) several times over the weekend. Musk asserted via Twitter that he would keep supporting and buying the meme token. Last Saturday, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO talked about the token in a response to a tweet from Dogecoin co-creator Billy Markus, explaining his […]

Irakurri gehiago

Dogecoin-ek behera egin du Elon Musk-en Starlink-DOGE Tease arren

Tech billionaire Elon Musk has indicated that his satellite internet provider company, Starlink, could start accepting Dogecoin (DOGE) on Twitter. The SpaceX CEO alluded to the payment system after responding to a question on Twitter about the possibility of Starlink accepting DOGE with a winking face emoji yesterday. Starlink adopted the mandate of providing high-speed […]

Irakurri gehiago

Dogecoin jaisten ari da Binancek erabiltzaileei okerreko kreditatutako DOGE tokenak itzultzeko eskatzen die sarearen eguneratzearen ondoren

Following the most recent update on the Dogecoin (DOGE) network, Binance has reported some issues linked with the meme coin. According to recent reports, the behemoth crypto exchange has asked some customers to return DOGE tokens that resurfaced after years of being stuck. Dogecoin saw its version 1.14.5 update earlier this week, aimed at solving […]

Irakurri gehiago

Dogecoin-ek 0.2750 $-ko eremu kritikoa hausten du Core bertsio berritzearen iragarpenaren ondoren

The recently-assembled team of developers behind Dogecoin (DOGE) have announced that the Dogecoin Core 1.14.5 upgrade, which implements drastic fee reduction on the network, is close to completion. The team, with the handle @dogecoin_devs, tweeted yesterday that: “Dogecoin Core 1.14.5 has been tagged (“gone gold,” but for open source), and we’re running the Gitian build […]

Irakurri gehiago

Dogecoin Rally-k Elon Musk-ek merkatua ponpatzen du "People Crypto" Erretorikarekin

Dogecoin-ek (DOGE) 0.280 dolarretik gorako zifra nabarmena erregistratu du Elon Musk-en tweet batzuen ostean, duela gutxi meme txanpona "herriaren kriptografia" gisa deskribatu baitu. Benzingaren artikulu bati erantzunez, AEBetako hiru kripto-jabeetatik batek DOGE duela ohartarazita, Muskek Tesla eta SpaceX ekoizpen-lineako langile askoren jabeak direla argitaratu zuen [...]

Irakurri gehiago
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