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Bitcoin näeb sellel nädalal teist tippu, kui Mastercard kuulutab välja integratsiooniplaanid

Bitcoin (BTC) tõusis neljapäeval uude kõigi aegade kõrgeima tasemeni pärast hiljutist teadet, et MasterCard kavatseb selle aasta lõpus integreerida krüptovaluutad oma makseteenustesse. Krediitkaardimehe otsus tuli paar päeva pärast seda, kui Tesla teatas, et nad on jaanuaris omandanud 1.5 miljardi dollari väärtuses Bitcoini ja hakkavad makseid vastu võtma […]

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JPMorganit ei müüdud Tesla Bitcoini omandamisel, usub, et see on endiselt liiga kõikuv

Following Tesla’s recent $1.5 billion (15% of its net cash holdings) Bitcoin (BTC) acquisition, many cryptocurrency enthusiasts have asserted that several more companies could follow suit. Some speculated that Apple could be next, while Max Keiser noted that it could be Larry Ellison’s Oracle. However, some JPMorgan analysts are holding onto a different opinion. According […]

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Max Keizer ennustab, et Larry Ellisoni Oracle võib olla järgmine ettevõtte Bitcoini investor

Behemoth electric manufacturer, Tesla, has become the latest institutional investor to invest a huge sum into Bitcoin (BTC) after it was announced yesterday that the company bought $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin in January and now accepts BTC payments. The trend of institutional investors taking up huge amounts of Bitcoin picked up momentum in the […]

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Bloomberg ostab idee Bitcoini kulla ületamiseks

The notion that Bitcoin (BTC) is steadily claiming market shares from gold—which has recently been peddled by JPMorgan—appears to have been adopted by Bloomberg strategists. The bank also believes that this investment outflow could have adverse effects on the price action of the yellow metal. In Bloomberg’s February report, the company suggested yet another narrative, […]

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Oluline tegur, mis määrab teie kasumlikkuse (see pole teie arvamus)

When traders are looking for ways to become consistently profitable, they, sadly, tend to consider the wrong factors and looking for solutions in the wrong places. Yes, factors like hit rates, risk-to-reward ratios, risk control, etc. are very important to your career as a trader. Nonetheless, there is an important factor that determines your profitability, […]

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Goldman Sachsi juht nimetab Bitcoini volatiilsust suurimaks takistuseks SoV staatuse vastu

Bitcoini (BTC) on korduvalt reklaamitud kui head väärtuste hoidjat, nagu kuld, arvestades, et krüptovaluutadel on väärismetalliga sarnased omadused (nt piiratud pakkumine). Seda narratiivi on kaitsnud mitmed traditsiooniliste finantsasutuste lugupeetud esindajad, nagu Skybridge Capitali Anthony Scaramucci. Samal ajal on paljud teised selle väite ümber lükanud ja […]

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