
Ripple yn Sicrhau Budd Bach arall yn Erbyn SEC wrth i Farchnad Enillion

Trydarodd atwrnai amddiffyn James K. Filan, sy'n gyfarwydd â chyngaws y Ripple vs US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), yn ddiweddar fod y diffynnydd wedi bagio buddugoliaeth fach arall yn erbyn y SEC ar ôl derbyn estyniad amser ar y cynnig a ffeiliwyd gyda'r llys yr wythnos diwethaf . Trydarodd Filan ddydd Llun fod y cwmni taliadau o San Francisco wedi […]

Darllen mwy

Partneriaid Ripple gyda NAB a CIBC ar gyfer Datrysiad Taliadau Trawsffiniol

Ripple (XRP) has signed a partnership deal with the National Bank of Australia (NAB) and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) to provide cross-border payment solutions using the RippleNet solution. The NAB revealed in a recent announcement that many traditional financial institutions would start to use Ripple’s payment technology for cross-border settlements considering its […]

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Ripple Yn Galw ar Rheoleiddiwr De Korea ar gyfer Fframwaith Rheoleiddio Crypto Cliriach

Mae Ripple Labs wedi estyn allan i asiantaeth reoleiddio ariannol De Korea i greu rheoliadau cliriach i wahaniaethu'n briodol rhwng arian cyfred digidol rhwng tocynnau cyfleustodau, tocynnau talu, a thocynnau diogelwch. Ysgrifennodd y cwmni fintech bapur polisi at awdurdodau Corea mewn partneriaeth ag Oxford Metrica a GBC Korea. Yn y ddogfen, nododd y cwmni fod yr Asiaidd […]

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Cyfreitha Ripple vs SEC: Mae SEC yn Ofni Colled wrth i Ripple Labs Gynnal Uwchlaw

Mae'r gymuned cryptocurrency yn parhau i wylio gan ragweld canlyniad yr achos cyfreithiol parhaus rhwng Ripple (XRP) a Chomisiwn Gwarantau a Chyfnewid yr Unol Daleithiau (SEC). Fodd bynnag, mae'r achos presennol yn awgrymu y gallai'r achos ddod i ben mewn setliad o blaid Ripple. Yn ddiweddar, datgelodd Eleanor Terret Fox Business ar Twitter fod ffynhonnell sy’n gyfarwydd â […]

Darllen mwy

Ripple Cofnodion Dau Whale Trafodion Yng nghanol rumored Coinbase Relisting

Crypto analytics platform Whale Alert has reported two large Ripple (XRP) transactions involving 38.9 million tokens (worth $28.2 million at press time). The report showed that one of these transactions was carried out by Ripple itself and the other by the world’s largest crypto exchange by trading volume. Binance reportedly transferred 18,972,524 XRP (worth $13.7 […]

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Ripple vs SEC: Mae SEC yn Diystyru Ffeilio Atebolrwydd Ripple, Yn Hawlio Braint

The drawn-out battle between Ripple Labs and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has taken another interesting turn. Yesterday, the defendants filed its Sur-Reply on the financial watchdog’s motion to strike the Fair Notice Affirmative Defence. This move was taken to oppose “the SEC’s inappropriate request” for judicial notice and to tackle the […]

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Mae Ripple yn Datgloi 1 biliwn XRP fel Stondinau Pris

Cryptocurrency analytics platform Whale Alert recently revealed that San Francisco-based Ripple (XRP) has unlocked another robust batch of tokens after the tech decacorn company released 1 billion XRP into the circulating pool. Releases like this are programmed into the Ripple code and have occurred consistently on the first day of every month since 2017. On […]

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Ripple yn Sicrhau Prisiad o $15 biliwn yn dilyn Prynu Cyfranddaliadau yn Ôl

Ripple (XRP) reported yesterday that it has initiated a buyback of the shares from its investors who funded its $200 million Series C investment round in December 2019. The cryptocurrency payment company revealed that the latest share purchase brings its valuation to $15 billion, a significant jump from the $9.8 billion valuation status it had […]

Darllen mwy

Dadansoddiad Pris Ripple 2022: Gorchmynion Llys SEC i Ryddhau Araith Ethereum Hinman

A slight frenzy erupted in the Ripple (XRP) community today as the payments company secured another small victory in the ongoing SEC vs. Ripple lawsuit, as the judge on the case ordered the Commission to release some privileged documents very critical to the case. Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn recently ruled that the US Securities and […]

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