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Кошт Cardano адскоквае ад узроўню $0.709

Кошт Cardano адскоквае ад узроўню $0.709

Цана Кардана: ціск мядзведзяў можа павялічыцца, $ 1.87 можа пранікнуць

ADA Price Analysis – October 12 In case the support level of $1.87 is retested, it may be penetrated, and expose the price to $1.64 and $1.46. In case the bulls’ momentum becomes stronger and the resistance level of $2.30 is penetrated, then, $2.68 and $3.0 may be tested. ADA/USD Market Key Levels: Resistance levels: […]

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Cardano партнёру з Chainlink для лепшай функцыянальнасці разумнага кантракта

IOHK has announced a partnership with decentralized blockchain oracle network Chainlink in its ongoing Cardano (ADA) Summit 2021. Based on the announcement, the partnership will allow Cardano to integrate Chainlink’s oracles in supporting developers as they begin building Smart Contracts (SC) for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. This comes after the Alonzo Mainnet upgrade on September […]

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Генеральны дырэктар Cardano асуджае спальванне жэтонаў і прыраўноўвае гэта да крадзяжу прадуктаў харчавання

The founder and CEO of Cardano (ADA), Charles Hoskinson, has spoken strongly against the sweeping idea of deflationary economics in the cryptocurrency industry. Mr. Hoskinson made his opposing stance known in a recent AMA (ask me anything) session on YouTube, comparing the practice of token burn to stealing food. He noted that the activity reflects […]

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Cardano за чатыры дні запісвае больш за 2,000 заявак на смарт -кантракт

Following the recent Alonzo Mainnet upgrade, Smart Contracts (SC) compatibility has become a reality for Cardano (ADA) developers. The upgrade allows developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi) services. With the recent creation of new SC projects, the network could witness a massive influx of new dApps. Reports show that the network […]

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Cardano падвяргаецца агню пасля праблем з паралельнасцю на Alonzo Testnet

Cardano (ADA) has come under criticism following reports of a concurrency issue discovered in the Alonzo testnet. The Cardano team announced some days ago that the Smart Contract functionality had gotten integrated on the Alonzo Testnet. The Alonzo Mainnet upgrade will go live on September 12. However, a recent Twitter thread by Ethereum enthusiast Anthony […]

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Фонд Cardano імкнецца да лепшага адпаведнасці заканадаўствам інтэграцыі Coinfirm

The Cardano Foundation appears to be toeing the line towards better regulatory compliance practices following a recent announcement to integrate Anti-Money Laundering analytics firm Coinfirm into the Cardano ecosystem. Coinfirm confirmed the development last Tuesday with an announcement to deploy its top-notch AML/CFT analytics system to ensure best regulatory-compliance practices by Cardano with the FATF’s […]

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Cardano запусціць канвертар ERC-20 на фоне рынкавай выпраўлення

Cardano (ADA) has announced that it plans to launch an ERC-20 converter to grant usability of Ethereum-based assets to its testnet. According to the video announcement posted by IOHK, a test of the ERC-20 compatibility should occur next week and could become a significant game-changer for Cardano should it scale the test. According to Francisco […]

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Кардана запісвае масавае ралі на фоне абноўленай эйфарыі інвестараў

Investor euphoria is back in the market again, and this time it is driving Cardano (ADA) higher. While Bitcoin has reclaimed the $50k line after a 3% rally which has sparked excitement in the market, Cardano stole the shine with a 12% rise over the past 24 hours and trades at $2.8200. The recent rally […]

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Cardano абвяшчае афіцыйную дату выпуску для абнаўлення Alonzo Mainnet

Каманда Cardano абвясціла афіцыйную дату выхаду сваёй доўгачаканай магчымасці распаўсюджвання смарт-кантрактаў. Згодна з IOHK, якая прымае кампанію Cardano, хардфорк Alonzo пачне працаваць 12 верасня. Інтэграцыя разумных кантрактаў на платформе доказы стаўкі дазволіць распрацоўшчыкам ствараць праграмы, якія задавальняюць выкарыстанне […]

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