
ጃፓን 225 (JP225USD) ከደረጃ 21000 በታች ወሰን ያለው ክልል ነው

Key Resistance Zones: 23200, 23600, 24000Key Support Zones: 20800, 20400, 20000 Japan 225 (JP225USD) Long-term Trend: BullishJapan 225 is trading above 20500 but below level 21000. Since April 29, the market has been trading below 21000 resistance  but above level 20500. The market seems to be consolidating above level 20500. The bulls have failed to […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

ጃፓን 225 (JP225USD) በ 20500 ተቃውሞ ላይ እምቢታን በጥብቅ ይጋፈጣል

Key Resistance Zones: 23200, 23600, 24000Key Support Zones: 20800, 20400, 20000 Japan 225 (JP225USD) Long-term Trend: BullishJapan 225 is trading below the resistance at 20500. In April, the bulls tested the resistance at 20500 but were resisted. The market fell to level 19500. On May 11, the bulls retested the resistance but were resisted again. […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

ጃፓን 225 (JP225USD) ከ 20500 በታች መለዋወጥን ይቀጥላል

Key Resistance Zones: 23200, 23600, 24000 Key Support Zones: 20800, 20400, 20000 Japan 225 (JP225USD) Long-term Trend: Bullish Japan 225 is still fluctuating below the 20500 resistance. On April 29, the bulls broke the 20000 resistance but were repelled at 20500. The price fell to level 19085 and resumed another upward move. The price is […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

ጃፓን 225 (JP225USD) የ 20000 ተቃውሞዎችን ይጥሳል ነገር ግን ኡፕሬንድን ለማቆየት አልተሳካም

ቁልፍ የመቋቋም ዞኖች -23200 ፣ 23600 ፣ 24000 ቁልፍ የድጋፍ ዞኖች -20800 ፣ 20400 ፣ 20000 ጃፓን 225 (JP225USD) የረጅም ጊዜ አዝማሚያ-ቡሊሽ በሬዎቹ የ 20000 ን የመቋቋም ደረጃቸውን ከፍለውታል ነገር ግን የሽያጩ ግፊት ጠቋሚው ከመቋቋም በታች እንዲወድቅ አደረገው ፡፡ መረጃ ጠቋሚው ለ 50 ቀናት SMA ድጋፍ ወደቀ ፡፡ የጃፓን 225 መረጃ ጠቋሚ […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

ጃፓን 225 (JP225 ዶላር) ከ 20000 መቋቋም በታች ወደ ጎን ውሰድ ነው

Key Resistance Zones: 23200, 23600, 24000 Key Support Zones: 20800, 20400, 20000 Japan 225 (JP225USD) Long-term Trend: Bearish Japan 225 index is fluctuating below 20000 resistances. Today, the market is in a downward move to the 21-day SMA. The price is retracing to the support of the 21-day SMA. Later, an upward move will resume […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

ጃፓን 225 (JP225 ዶላር) ከ 20000 ተቃውሞ በታች ተደብቆ ይገኛል ፣ መገንጠሉ አይቀርም

ቁልፍ የመቋቋም ዞኖች፡ 23200፣ 23600፣ 24000 ቁልፍ የድጋፍ ቀጠናዎች፡ 20800፣ 20400፣ 20000 ጃፓን 225 (JP225USD) የረጅም ጊዜ አዝማሚያ፡ Bearish ዛሬ፣ ጃፓን 225 ኢንዴክስ ከ20000 ተቃውሞ በታች እየነገደ ነው። በሬዎቹ ለመስበር የመቋቋም ደረጃን እየሞከሩ ነው. በመጀመሪያው ሙከራ, ገበያው ወደ 18000 ዝቅተኛ ሲወርድ በሬዎች ተቃውመዋል. በውስጡ […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

ጃፓን 225 (JP225USD) ከ 20000 በላይ መቆየት አልተቻለም ፣ ፊቶችን በመሸጥ ላይ ያሉ ፊቶች

Key Resistance Zones: 23200, 23600, 24000 Key Support Zones: 20800, 20400, 20000 Japan 225 (JP225USD) Long-term Trend: Bearish JP225USD upward move has been hampered because of the resistance at 20000. The index is falling back to the 16000 low. The upward may resume if the index falls to the low of either 16000 or 17000. […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

ጃፓን 225 (JP225USD) ወደፊት እየጨመረ ቢመጣም በ 20000 ፊቶችን የመቋቋም አቅም ይጨምራል

ቁልፍ የመቋቋም ዞኖች፡ 23200፣ 23600፣ 24000 ቁልፍ የድጋፍ ቀጠናዎች፡ 20800፣ 20400፣ 20000 ጃፓን 225 (JP225USD) የረዥም ጊዜ አዝማሚያ፡ Bearish JP225USD አሁን ከዝቅተኛው አዝማሚያ በኋላ ወደ ላይ እየሄደ ነው። ኢንዴክስ በአሁኑ ጊዜ በ 20000 ተቃውሞ ገጥሞታል። መረጃ ጠቋሚው […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

ማውጫ ዞሮ ዞሮ ሲያደርግ ጃፓን 225 (JP225USD) ከ 16000 በላይ ያጠናክራል ፡፡

Key Resistance Zones: 23200, 23600, 24000 Key Support Zones: 20800, 20400, 20000 Japan 225 (JP225USD) Long-term Trend: Bearish JP225USD bearish trend has subsided as the current support holds. The market has been consolidating above 17000. Before this time the market has already fallen to the low of 16466. The index becomes oversold at the bottom […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ
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