
Stellar (XLM/USD) ዋጋ እንደ $ 0.24 የድጋፍ ደረጃ ይይዛል

STELLAR Price Analysis – October 06 Stellar price may increase to $0.35 levels and may penetrate the level and extend to $0.48 provided the bulls are able to push the price above the resistance level of $0.42. In case the buyers defend the resistance level of $0.35, price may continue its bearish movement towards the […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የከዋክብት (XLM/USD) ዋጋ $ 0.24 የድጋፍ ደረጃ በሚይዝበት ሁኔታ ሊቀለበስ ይችላል

STELLAR የዋጋ ትንተና - መስከረም 29 የከዋክብት ዋጋ ወደ ቀዳሚው ዝቅተኛ የ 0.19 ደረጃዎች ሊቀንስ እና ድቦቹ ከ 0.14 ዶላር የድጋፍ ደረጃ በታች መግፋት ከቻሉ እና ዕለታዊ ሻማው ከሱ በታች ከተዘጋ ወደ $ 0.24 ሊደርስ ይችላል። ገዢዎች የ 0.24 ዶላር የድጋፍ ደረጃን ቢከላከሉ ፣ ዋጋ […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የከዋክብት (XLM/USD) ዋጋ - የድቦች ግፊት የ 0.24 የድጋፍ ደረጃን ይሰብራል

STELLAR Price Analysis – September 22 In case the bears are able to push the price below the support level of $0.24 and the daily candle closes below it, then, Stellar price may reduce to the previous low of $0.19 levels and may extend to $0.14. When the buyers defend the support level of $0.24, […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የከዋክብት (ኤክስኤምኤል/ዶላር) ዋጋ እስከ 0.34 ደረጃ ድረስ ሊፈርስ ይችላል

STELLAR Price Analysis – September 15 When the buyers continue to defend the support level of $0.30, price may continue its bullish trend towards the resistance levels of $0.34, $0.42, and $0.48. In case the bears are able to push the price below the support level of $0.30 and the daily candle closes below it, […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

Stellar (XLM/USD) ዋጋ - የ 0.42 ዶላር የመቋቋም ደረጃ ተጨማሪ ጭማሪን አይቀበልም

STELLAR Price Analysis – September 08 In case the bears are able to push the price below the support level of $0.30 and the daily candle closes below it, then, Stellar price may reduce to the previous low of $0.19 levels. If the buyers defend the support level of $0.30, price may continue its bullish […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የከዋክብት (XLM/USD) ዋጋ - ድርብ አናት እስኪጸዳ ድረስ ድቦች ቁጥጥር ይደረግባቸዋል

STELLAR የዋጋ ትንተና - ሴፕቴምበር 01 ድቦቹ ዋጋውን ወደ $0.30 ደረጃ ዝቅ አድርገው ወደ ውስጥ ከገቡ ዋጋው ወደ $0.22 እና $0.16 የድጋፍ ደረጃዎች ሊቀንስ ይችላል። የ 0.30 ዶላር ደረጃን ማፍረስ አለመቻል ዋጋው ከአሁኑ ዋጋ በ$0.42፣ $0.50 እና $0.57 ወደ ተከላካይነት ደረጃዎች ሊመለስ ይችላል። XLM/USD የገበያ ቁልፍ ደረጃዎች፡ […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የከዋክብት (XLM/USD) ዋጋ - ድቦች በሬዎችን በ 0.41 ዶላር ይቃወማሉ

STELLAR የዋጋ ትንተና - ኦገስት 25 ወይፈኖቹ ዋጋውን ወደ $0.30 ደረጃ ሊገፉ እና ወደ ውስጥ ሊገቡ ይችላሉ፣ ይህ ከተከሰተ የዋጋ ቅናሽ ወደ $0.22 እና $0.16 የድጋፍ ደረጃዎች ሊቀንስ ይችላል። የ 0.30 ዶላር ደረጃን ማፍረስ አለመቻል ወደ ተለዋዋጭ እንቅስቃሴ ሊመራ ይችላል ፣ ከአሁኑ ዋጋ በላይ የመቋቋም ደረጃዎች በ $ 0.42 ፣ […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የከዋክብት (ኤክስኤምኤል/ዶላር) ዋጋ - ቡሊሽ አዝማሚያ የቀጠለ $ 0.30 ደረጃ መያዣዎች ሊቀርብ ይችላል

STELLAR Price Analysis – August 18 Bullish Price movement may continue provided the support level of $0.30 holds and it will increase towards the $0.42, $0.50, and $0.57 levels. Further increase in the bears’ pressure may break down the $0.30 level and this may decrease the price to $0.22 and $0.16. XLM/USD Market Key Levels: […]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ
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አንድ ነገር